Want to get BB Q10 but worried about lack of apps

I'm very tempted to buy the Q10.  I like the interface and the keyboard, but I'm really worried about the lack of apps.  I think that there will always be business-related apps because of the customer base for the BB, but I'm worried about consumer-oriented apps.  To take just one example, Pandora does not offer a BB Z/Q10 app.  It isn't Pandora that I'm worried about, but what that indicates...


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12 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Actually, Pandora is Apollo on the Q10, find it on Blackberry World to see, and there are many other tune apps available, like iHeartRadio, Neutron, Skooday and more. New applications are being added daily to this brand new platform. If you head over to Crackberry, you'll find out that there are many folks over there already running Instagram, Netflix and many other popular applications on their phones. Also, the 10.2 OS update is already about completed and it will support and run Android 4.2.2 JB on top of BB10, imagine, best of both worlds on the same device. There is much more coming down the pike on the BB10 devices, it's the OS, and it's only just begun. Folks need to truly check it out more of what these new BB devices can do, and will soon do, because once they truly do, they'll realize these are the devices to have in your hand.


What is the best guess about when the OS update with the Android capabilities will be released?  I don't want to buy the Q10 until I see whether the new capabilities work OK.

Enthusiast - Level 3

It is rumored to be out soon.  Of course if Verizon decides to drag their feet again who knows when we might see it.


Any word on the release of the OS update with the Android capabilities?

Customer Service Rep

RJLweb, words can't explain how much we love you. Stay tuned for software update information for your device: http://bit.ly/n5snpq

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That's not much of an answer.

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Not only not much of an answer, but, how does one get a job with Verizon giving nonsense answers to help forum questions?

Master - Level 3

I agree with bb10qnx that BB10 is worth checking into. I have the Z10 and I love it! I haven't found I'm missing much in the area of apps, but the ones that are most missed by others will most likely be on the platform soon. I say get it and enjoy it!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree with the above statements. Crackberry is a great resource for help with all things BlackBerry. Also "sideloading Android apps" (Search Crackberry for that, you will find a ton) is easy and you can get almost any app to load on the Blackberry Z10 or Q10. BlackBerry made a great phone that I honestly cannot find a single app that I cannot get to work.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Z/Q10 OS 10.2.xxxx is supposed to support downloading Android apps.  With Verizon's slow OS updates you may want to buy the phone from another wireless provider (T-Mobile) if you want the capability sooner rather than later.  My only regret is that I didn't do my homework regarding service providers before buying my Z10.  ....Just sayin'.


As I'm not a Pandora user, have  not checked into it. Slacker has many more songs and is on Blackberry  q10. Instagram and program to link iTunes is on the phone as well.

as the q10 has a 3.5 inch screen, it's not intended for video. though Netflix, Crackle, etc. are available.

You are able to backdoor many Android programs onto the phone.

Texting is great, browser is fast, emails come through very quickly and voice is good.

If you want a phone that doubles as a TV or Game Console, this isn't it. If you want a responsive business phone, that offers a decent amount of apps, try it out.

The keyboard is the best one yet.

Specialist - Level 2

You can safely update a Verizon Q10 to BB10.2 with the Rogers version. A free program called Sachesi will download and install it. CrackBerry has information on this process. I did it myself and it was simple. Sachesi runs on either Mac OSX (including Mavericks) and Windows.

Verizon is not giving a date for their own release of BB10.2 because they just don't know. They would LOVE to tell us when it's coming but they can't because they simply don't know themselves. I would have preferred to wait for the Verizon-blessed version but the Rogers version of 10.2 is working perfectly.