What time will we be back to normal?

Any idea as to when the service will be dependable again?

I am sure that everyone that is affected but this issue is a bit leery about depending on the service. I for one am basically stuck in a hotel room to stay in touch with my accounts and office while on a family vacation. This is our 1st trip since we have had our baby and we planned the drive around the babies nap times and since yesterday afternoon we are planning our activities around the BB. We need to move the ball forward and get down the road so we can arrive at out final destination in time for the Christmas holiday but I also need to be able to pay for Christmas so it is very important that I keep in touch with clients and the office.

When the error first presented to me I was receiving a red โ€œxโ€ next to my sent emails, I assumed that these were not going out. I tried for an hour called support and was told to remove the battery and call *228. Still no luck. The emails were arriving to my clients and one account I have been fostering for a year was kind enough to inform me that he received all 10 of the same email. Not my best showing with a very significant account.

I understand that this is a service and that there will be errors but this is their business and they are the experts that we depend on and excuses and โ€œ I am sorryโ€ does not work all the time in the business world. If my actions as a business person have a negative effect to my clients I do not get to keep the client. I have stayed with Verizon for a decade and worked through many issues so I am sure that the solution for this problem is just around the corner but it would be nice to know when I can depend on the service and be able to continue using my device as intended.

Where do I fine the latest updates letting me know when all systems are go again?

Happy Holidays all-

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3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Hey there, I hope everything is going good. Alright listen services are up, there was
an issue stemmed from a flaw in two recently released versions of blackberry
messenger. RIM took action (service restored)


BBM is still down

Contributor - Level 1

Business101 wrote:

Any idea as to when the service will be dependable again?

I am sure that everyone that is affected but this issue is a bit leery about depending on the service. I for one am basically stuck in a hotel room to stay in touch with my accounts and office while on a family vacation. This is our 1st trip since we have had our baby and we planned the drive around the babies nap times and since yesterday afternoon we are planning our activities around the BB. We need to move the ball forward and get down the road so we can arrive at out final destination in time for the Christmas holiday but I also need to be able to pay for Christmas so it is very important that I keep in touch with clients and the office.

When the error first presented to me I was receiving a red โ€œxโ€ next to my sent emails, I assumed that these were not going out. I tried for an hour called support and was told to remove the battery and call *228. Still no luck. The emails were arriving to my clients and one account I have been fostering for a year was kind enough to inform me that he received all 10 of the same email. Not my best showing with a very significant account.

I understand that this is a service and that there will be errors but this is their business and they are the experts that we depend on and excuses and โ€œ I am sorryโ€ does not work all the time in the business world. If my actions as a business person have a negative effect to my clients I do not get to keep the client. I have stayed with Verizon for a decade and worked through many issues so I am sure that the solution for this problem is just around the corner but it would be nice to know when I can depend on the service and be able to continue using my device as intended.

Where do I fine the latest updates letting me know when all systems are go again?

Happy Holidays all-


Are you up and running yet?