When is nfl mobile going to be on blackberry app world for the Z-30?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Any schedule for this.

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9 Replies

I would like to know this as well. I am a new customer and thought it was available for all BB10 phones on Verizon. This could be a deal breaker for coming to Verizon. I am already paying more than I was on AT&T. Please let us know what the deal is.

Customer Service Rep

Ensuring you have compatible applications to your device is important blusls79. I know it can be frustrating to wait around for a compatible app. The only Blackberry device that is currently compatible with NFL Mobile is the Blackberry Z10. To register for alerts on new products and services you may click, http://bit.ly/dDumph

Thank You,
VZW Support
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSUPPORT


That is fine and dandy that I have to wait. But your company is false advertising. When I signed up I checked on your website and it says that it is compatible. Get the device and I can't get the app. Now I am stuck in a contract where I agreed to pay more so I could access NFL mobile. Saying that it is simply not compatible is NOT good enough. Not to mention I had a twitter session last week about the phone being advertised as compatible and it is still showing to this day. I will be keeping track of how long it takes for Verizon to update the site. You might want to do it soon... I just may have to contact the FCC on this one. Ridiculous. Advertised... not available for this device. At least give your customers a better reason. This is not directed at you, but at Verizon Wireless as a whole.

Enthusiast - Level 3
Enthusiast - Level 3

Weird....I had NFL Mobile with my Z10 and I'm pretty sure it transferred to my Z30 when I switched devices. I have used the app on my Z30 without issue. I even checked it after seeing this post. However, when I opened the app, I was notified of an update. When I went to check for the update, BB World told me the app was not compatible with this device. Which is weird because I was able to use the app including all of the paid content including watching NFL Network.....

Specialist - Level 2

You can install Google Play and then use the Android versions of apps. They work especially well on the full-screen BlackBerry models like the Z10 and Z30.

Snap Google Play client for BlackBerry 10 updated to v2.0 | CrackBerry.com


I have tried the Android part, but the phone never complete registration for the premium services for nfl mobile on verizon.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I received this message today from the NFL mobile feedback. So can Verizon please reimburse me for the 5.00 per month since i have had my Z30?


Thank you for contacting NFL Mobile Customer Care.  If the product is not supported currently I don't believe it will be supported in the future.  We are considering to not support Blackberry for the 2014 year as well as older operating systems for IOS and Android.  Nothing is confirmed yet, but from what I hear that is the plan at this point.  I am sorry I could not provide a better answer for you, but I rather tell you the truth then give you false hope that it will be supported in the future and to check back.


Ron Strugano

NFL Mobile Customer Care


Verizon and NFL mobile. Support you BB10 customers by providing us with a 2014 app via native BB10 app, or Port your androidโ€Ž version to BB10 app world any other option is unacceptable. If you can not provide the app they cancel my verizon account. This is one of the main reasons I switched to Verizon from AT&T. I am now paying $100 more a month for less service. I am a new customer that is highly unhappy with how this being handled on both Verizon as they are choosing not to support any all fan regardless of my device. It is my choice to use what device I want as long as it can handle all the features provided by the app. If you can provide apps for all current customers than you should not provide an app. You should provide a mobile Web app that works regardless of the bowser as long as it meets current website standards (html5).

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.