When will Verizon release the OS for Storm?!

I'm sick of wrestling with email links disappearing. having to battery pull every[edit] day because if memory leaks in .328. why is verizon always months behind every other release?

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5 Replies
Contributor - Level 1
Why they are behind in everyone else when it comes to when they release new OS's is anyone guess. Your best bet it to install leaked OS's that get posted to the internet or that were released for the Storm on other carries (yes, this is possible). When I had my Storm, this is what I did..I got tired to waiting for "official Verizon" releases :smileyhappy: .
Contributor - Level 3

It is .419 (Storm 1) and it runs really well.  It is an official from RIM.  Do a Google search and you will fnd instructions on where to download and install it.


I would post links but trying to comply with the TOS.

Champion - Level 1

SFObrien wrote:

It is .419 (Storm 1) and it runs really well.  It is an official from RIM.  Do a Google search and you will fnd instructions on where to download and install it.


I would post links but trying to comply with the TOS.


Obrien is right.  The .419 is a very stable release.  I am using it on my Tour and it has been running well for almost a month.  Go to Crackberry's website and you can get more information on the leak.  Be sure to follow the instructions for deleting the vendor.xml file.  And the biggest thing is to perform a backup before you do any kind of upgrade.  This is important and can save you in case you have problems. 


Specialist - Level 1

I am running .419 also for the Storm 1 and it works great. Just be sure to back up first and let the install take as long as necessary. Be sure to remove the vendor XML in your PC before installing. You will have to be in the explore mode in your PC to find and remove the Vendor file and also you will have to double click the app loader in that file as well. It will not install from the desktop mgr. on your desktop until you double click it app loader in the file.

Contributor - Level 3

I installed the new OS v5.0.0.419 today, I had to reinitialized certain "third party" applications I installed a while back. It corrected some irritating  problems like keyboard always appearing when viewing SMS. Like the other posts said, you have to go to the RIM site to download the new OS. Good luck!:smileyvery-happy: