Which is better, to wait for Z30 or go with Z10?


Seems the Z30 has an improved antenna for boosting reception, according to preview reports.

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9 Replies
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Personally I wouldn't buy either one. First off (RIM) or Blackberry is on the way out. There has been talk that Lenovo may take them over. But I would not hold my breath.

Support for the devices may be non existent if they go belly up. Apps, and messaging and email on their devices may cease to exist. Do a Google search on Blackberry before you purchase one. You may be buying more trouble getting any device from them.

And don't run out to get the Windows phone, it by all accounts is another iffy purchase.

Good Luck

Enthusiast - Level 3

Z30 has a bigger screen, 10.2 OS which is supposed to have some cool improvements, Quad core GPU (note: not CPU) which is supposed to be better for graphics rendering from what i understand, much better battery (although my Z10 lasts all day), better build quality (although that is subjective). I'm sure I've missed a few.... Bottom line, the Z30 is bigger, faster, and with a much bigger battery. The Z10 gets some points for having a slightly better display. Only because the Z10's display is top notch. (same resolution on a smaller screen = more ppi). However, being you can get the Z10 for $0 on a two year contract, or $399 full price, you would be getting a real solid phone for a good price, imo...I have a Z10 and think it's great. New apps and especially games being added all the time.

Contributor - Level 2

I agree with elector, DONT BUY BLACKBERRY. Everything they said is probably right on point and unless youve already had a blackberry before you probably wont like the interface. I personally reccomend the galaxy s4, I have it and love it. Stay away from blackberry

Enthusiast - Level 3

If we all listened to that guy, we all would have stopped using BlackBerry's two years ago because they "are going out of business". Its been the crap for at least two years now. We all know that your phone will not all of a sudden not work if indeed BlackBerry were to go belly up tomorrow, which isn't happening btw, but people keep perpetuating falsehoods like this to make people believe the phone wont work. There is enough there that even if all the naysayers are eventually proven correct, the device would still be solid even with no further updates and no further app support for the length of the contract. Go ahead, look it up for yourself. I would check out CrackBerry.com and look for the several editorials on what's going on with the business side. Especially those by Chris Umiastowski for an accurate portrayal of what's really going on instead of uninformed, "the sky is falling", rhetoric that gets passed along. If you are even concerned about it, that is...

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Well not knowing how old you are let me give you a couple of analogies.

Years ago I bought Reveal Speakers and sound equipment, they were a long lasting and solid company by all accounts and people went out and bought the best for their systems. No one could have guessed that all the sales they were holding would leave the customers holding the bag. Yep they folded up and shut down their web site and company. No warning no nothing. No support and no drivers, and the people who sent in their devices for replacement or repair were left holding the bag.

Then a company called Storm made some of the best color scanners. Very expensive but a great product. They had a huge rebate program at the time and sold a gazillion units. But they went out of business, again no support, no software, no drivers, and no rebates. They also told customers they would send their broken units back unrepaired. Now these are not cell phones but this could happen to RIM (Blackberry) I have read just saturday that the former co-chairman and a group of investors were thinking of a buy out to acquire the company. by last accounts thats three companies or investment groups looking to buy the company and turn it around.

Now if and I am saying if Blackberry goies kaput, yes your devices will still work on Verizonbs network. But if you had a problem how do you get a replacement device? Verizon does not make cell phones they sell them as an agent for Blackberry. Even if they make arrangements for warranty services who is going to take charge of it?

its no doom and gloom. Its being cautious . When Blackberry was making these new devices they claimed huge sales figures. As it turned out the company its self had to admit they over inflated those figures and it was to fool investors and Wall Street which is how many companies that are near being defunct operate.

Just think about it. Hopefully they will be saved and this will just be a bad memory.

Good Luck

Master - Level 3

The Z10 is nice but I would wait for the Z30. The people in my BBM group who own one (from other countries) say it's great.

Which phone are you coming from and which apps are must-haves for you? Check BlackBerry App World to see if the ones you want are there.


First of all, to say don't buy Blackberry because the company is in trouble is just pure groundless speculation. if that is the case then everyone should also stop buying HTC.

FWIW, Blackberry today just got $1 Billion investment from Fairfax and new CEO Mr. John Chen is taking over and he has good rapport.


Specialist - Level 2

Elector is just being careful. Sure there is a new CEO and new investors. But look at Saab the car company. They had investors that bought the company and it started to turn around. Everything seemed well and boom, no more Saab. All the people that have those cars can't get much support for them besides mechanics that know Saab. Phones are even worse, once a company goes out of business, the local elecronic store can't do much either. Just be careful. Get something you know is reliable and has what you look for in a phone whether it be the processor or camera or whichever. If you get a Blackberry I hope it works for you but don't get upset at Verizon if you can't get support IF BB goes out

Champion - Level 1


To answer the original post, I would wait for the Z30, which should be out soon in the US.  I have the Z10 and it has been a great device.  My email accounts sync great, including my Gmail calendar.  I wish you good luck on your decision.
