Why doesn't Verizon Support respond to questions asked in this forum?

I don't understand why Verizon Support doesn't respond to questions posed here.  This company claims to be a communication organization yet I look all through these forums and rarely see answers from anyone in Verizon Support.  I have a question still outstanding regarding the update of the OS for my Blackberry Z30.  I was told by Verizon that that update was to be pushed out 2/10/2014.  Others have asked the same question regarding the update for the Q10.  My Z10 was updated on the 28th of Jan with the desktop software Link.

It is really sad how Blackberry has become the [Profanity removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service] stepchild with this company.  I left ATT because they treated Blackberry customers the same way.  I had been a Blackberry customer with ATT for over 15 years, and paid $200 to get out of my contract and come to Verizon and be treated the exact same way.  Very disheartning

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3 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

Verizon support doesn't respond to all questions on this forum because this forum was never meant as an avenue to reach Verizon support.

This is a customer-to-customer forum that Verizon created to allow customers communicate issues, and to answer each others questions.

If you need to speak to Verizon directly you can call 800-922-0204, visit a store or chat in (Chat is rarely available)

I can understand software update frustrations, and it's not just Blackberry. Windows phone users and Android phone users have the same issues with updates being pushed out.

Good Luck

Enthusiast - Level 2

How do I post a question


jroeder handled part of your question correctly.  This is a customer populated forum.

As to your other comments...

NO carrier will promise an update.  The uproar if they miss the date is too great.  The best you will get is a date when the update is ready, then the update is rolled out gradually to some ESN numbers at a time.   Just because the update is released by Verizon, does not mean your phone will get first at bat.

Blackberry cut its own throat.  It didn't evolve with the times. 

Rather than go through the expense of making CDMA phones that they can't sell, BB isn't making them and Verizon isn't asking for them.   If you have followed the BB Priv, you know they released to GSM first and have merged with android to open up options and perhaps pull in android users (or pull back BB users that gave up and went to Android.  The Priv is BB last shot.  If it fails, it may be over for BB.  It may be too little too late.

JUst like the Passport, if it sells, they seem willing to make and sell a CDMA version.

I Should add, it isn't just CDMA, it's Verizon branding and custom software they add to almost every device for the network.

WIndows customers are are in the same boat.  They don't sell well.  The 950 XL is only sold through Microsoft.  The App Store is sparse and with Windows 10, even more barren.