Why is Verizon forcing us to use Bing on our Blackberry phones?
Enthusiast - Level 3

For real,


What happened to the concept of free choice?  In my experience, Bing sucks.  In my experience, Google has been the best search engine since the early 90s.  This has not changed.  Unfortunately, Verizon has made it more difficult for me to get to the search results that I am looking for.  Why?


This isn't about which search engine is better.  This is about freedom of choice.  Why has Verizon stolen from us our ability to use Google for quick searches on the Blackberry and has now forced us to use Bing instead?  How much has Microsoft payed Verizon to force this on us?  What benefit have we received from this deal with Microsoft?


As I understand it, Verizon is the only carrier that has done this and made it so that it cannot be changed back.  What does this tell us about Verizon as a company?  What about Microsoft?


Just curious as to how other people feel about this.  Regardless of which search engine is "better," is it right for Verizon to take our right to choose away from us and then force a product on us that we don't want?  I'll vote no, and even go further to suggest antitrust and unfair competition claims should be put back into motion.  Microsoft knows better and doesn't appear to care about US law so long as companies like Verizon are still enabling them to force their products on us.  Should this be considered aiding and abbeding on Verizon's part?  I'm curious.





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4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Just the deal they cut lol. There are plenty of 3rd party browsers available including Google I believe

Specialist - Level 1
Actually there is a Google App that you install on your home page as an icon. It's a complete search engine which keeps history until you clear it. It also has Google Maps,news,etc.
Enthusiast - Level 3
Search choices...

and what else? Oh yeah. Bing!

Where's Google or at least a custom option so its built in.
Enthusiast - Level 3