buttons will not work on storm 2

none of the buttons on my storm 2 will work


the haptic feedback is working  and the screan will go forward but not back and you cant bring up the phone or

the minue 






it's apears to work but again the buttons do nothing 

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6 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Pull battery for at least a minute and reinstall and see if that fixes it. Report back because if that gets it working again, then you need to know how clear open apps and memory or it will do it again.


i have pulled battery 6 times


performed a downgrade then an up grade 



i can do a reboot and up comes the home screen 

i can scrool down and up but push any button and it does nothing but thump (haptic feedback)


i can go forward using the screen but not using the buttons

Specialist - Level 1

long shot go to a VZW store and borrow a new battery and see if that fixes it. Also have you tried the recharge cable plugged into phone?


This started with the led for the flash was stuck on in the middle of the night  lit up the whole room

at this point I did 2 bat pulls   led still stuck    on


let it sit for 4 hours without the battery 


next morning I did a full restart about 4 times      finally the led went off  


next  reload of the programming twice (once down once up)


its not a bad battery   something has happened  in the software 


the touchscreen works ok      it's the 4 side icons  red, back, menu, green phone


also the standby  does not work


is this a return issue 





Specialist - Level 1

Yes it could be a return issue. Go to a VZW owned store not a Kiosk and ask for the Mgr. of that store.  Explain what has happened. If you have insurance you can use that also.  If you have early upgrade available I think you can get a new S2 for free right now.They replaced my Storm 1 with a S2 a few months ago when mine went to a black screen. It only would stay on if I pulled the battery and immediately did things on it. The minute it went into the dark screen mode, it would not come out of it unless you did a battery pull. I tried wiping the phone and reinstalling OS but that didn't fix it and lost then the next day  I lost all my contacts because my computer went down. VZW couldn't get my contacts off old phone either because I had wiped it. Luckily they were in our Toyota but that requiers loading them one at a time off the phone list that is stored in the Blue tooth part of Toyota. Wouldn't it be neat if they had a way to reload phone contacts from car?


Just started having the same issue with my Storm 2. The bottom 4 buttons on the touch screen and all of the side buttons do not respond. All of the other touch screen buttons work fine. Very frustrating. Battery pull does nothing.