celll phone wont work

my blackberry curve keeps freezing and acting up but i am not sure if i am aloud to call and see if they will send me a new one since the plan is in my father plan and he is out of the country at this time and was wondering if i had his ssn and everything that they need to know would i be aloud to call and see if they will send me a new cell phone??


if any one could help me with this problem that would be really good...

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3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader
You may not need a new one - you may just need to optimize and work with the one you have. Try pulling the battery and resetting the phone to see if that helps with the "freezing and acting up".

Blackberries need to be taken care of - apps CLOSED when you are finished with them, not merely backed out of (they keep running in the background), and if you have too many running, your BB will freeze or run erratically.

The battery pull will effectively close all the open apps and reboot your phone. There are other tricks to get yours running smoothly - StreetDoc or Sydney can jump in with other things to try before you need to get a new phone.

Champion - Level 1

SuzyQ is correct with the tips she gave concerning memory. Also, check your available memory. Go to Options/Status and see how much free memory your BlackBerry has available. If it gets below about 12 mb, then your device will run sluggish. You will then need to delete a few apps or other data to give you more space. Hope this all helps you.

Master - Level 3

SuzyQ and Doc pretty much covered everything I'd suggest ... free up some memory, do a battery pull, and close apps when finished.