Have not received $500 BYOD Rebate since June 2022
Enthusiast - Level 1

Dear Verizon Customer Service,

I am writing to express my deep disappointment and frustration at not having received my $500 rebate for bringing my own device to your network, despite having fulfilled all the requirements.

I have been patiently waiting for this rebate since June 2022, and the delay is causing undue financial burden on me.

As a loyal customer of Verizon for several years, I request that you expedite the process and provide me with the rebate as soon as possible.

I have attempted to cooperate with this matter through Multiple Phone calls, in which whenever I ask for a Supervisor; whom cannot be contacted at all.

I am deeply frustrated and tired of explaining my situation over and over again waiting for a decent reply back for my situation.

Last time I was told that there will be an investigation going on to resolve the issue. That was January 24th.

I was promised a call back with the updates of the situation, in which I also never received.

Please let me know if Verizon just simply does not want to uphold the Promise and Deals with the customers.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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14 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Thank you for reaching out to us, imss92. We'd be more than happy to look further into this rebate issue with you! In a few moments, you should receive a Private Note from us. Please reply there, so we can get started!


Enthusiast - Level 1

Never received my email after porting from xfinity and brought my unlocked phone with me.  This was Jan 20th , Well now its almost april and they keep trying to cinvince me that the phone credit for it being free the credit of 13.68 was my rebate catd and was going to be applied monthly, which never was advertised that way.  never received the email either and caled in was told be patient, I would get it now they lie and try to manipulate you like you dont know the phone rebate that was advertised and shown everywhere. 

I guess when you get so big you dont care about the litte guys and gals

Customer Service Rep


Please follow and PM us for further assistance*Jennifer

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have sent numerous emails private messages that have not had any response since Jamuary.   Then Thursday or friday I was informed that you no longer receive the gift card it's spread out over 36 months which is not what the rebate said. Had verizon been responsive this would had been handled in January when I sent the emails and when calling in I was told I had to be patient  and wait for the email to file, which no email ever came. It took  me to go to a public  board to get a response.  I've always thought a lot more of vzw than these lack of actions. I really hope you can get this together.  I did all I could to get the email and file. I cant force vz to send something they will not. 


I appreciate your time and attention in this matter. 




Customer Service Rep

Hello there! Thank you so much for reaching out. We are saddened to hear about your experince and never want our customers to feel this way. Would you please PM us, so we can review your account?



I've been fighting this since January and the promo was a 500 gift card. Never got email after numerous calls and escalated tickets that got  not  one response.   I got fed up to the point I just told them apply it to my bill and still no response. I would had stayed where I was had I known it was this headache.   Ported another number in 3/31 and still isn't functioning. I did all the leg work. Got acct number pin and all. Last thing when I started service I asked rep if samsung a53 5g uw was esim and physical sim capable. He assured it was. Received the phone and guess what it's not esim capable at all. I felt this whole process has been deceiving and lies. If you didn't want to offer the rebate card then don't. Verizonnstill has superior service when it works so as of now I'm paying for a second line that's a paperweight. 


Very disappointed in your morales and ethics. No email promised, no esim, and a phone that I've waited since 3/31 to work with no luck. The number port was done the 31st of March and here we are. No time have I been offered a credit for my paperweight. 


Very disappointed, 

M.A.  Chasanov

Customer Service Rep

Hi, Thanks for reaching us using our Verizon Social Media Support channels, and thanks for your comment. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I'm sorry you're facing this rebate issue. It will be my pleasure to assist you today.

Please send me a DM and allow me the opportunity to assist you as you deserve.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I messaged the Verizon Executive and received reply. Got the issue corrected in a day. Issue that Customer Service couldn't resolve over 9 months was fixed in a single scheduled phone call

Customer Service Rep

We are glad to hear that you got your issue solved, if you need further assistance, we are here for you 24/7. 


Enthusiast - Level 2

After 1.5 hours in the chat shortly after I posted, the agent confirmed the promotion and then kept passing the blame back to me.  First, it was not following the proper steps.  The ones they noted in the chat did not resemble the process and instructions presented while activating the new iPhone 14 purchased directly from Apple as an unlocked device.  Hence BYOD.  Then, the agent essentially told me that it was my fault that I did not contact them sooner, the promotion is now expired from when I activated the line in Nov. 2022, and I was out of luck.  I would say the rebate failure is a program disaster, but I feel it is operating as intended to avoid the credits.  In my case, for $500, basically 2 months of bills, Verizon has flushed away 20 years of goodwill. I have already started researching other wireless carrier options.


Which verizon excutive did you message, did you send an email and if so what address did you use?  I have the same issue with two $500 BYOD rebates from setting up service in October of 2022

Customer Service Rep

Billqwe, let's make sure you're getting every single promotion you qualify for. We'll be sending you a Private Note shortly.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I have had multiple Verizon for many, many years (20+).  Always buy devices directly from Apple.  Last November, I bought my daughter an iPhone 14 and activated it as a BYOD, with the promotion being $500 (one-time credit not spread out over 36 months as currently advertised).  Switched from a metered plan to all three phones being on 5G Do More.  From reading this forum, it is beyond disappointing Verizon has such difficulty following through on its published offers.  Since I do not have time to spend on multiple calls and emails, as others have sadly had to deal with, I am hoping the Verizon customer service team monitors this board and will reach out directly to make things right.  This is the first time in all the years I am contemplating switching to another provider.

Customer Service Rep


Hi, thank you for bringing this up to our attention, we definitely don't want to keep you in this situation, PM me to better assist you.
