Anyone else out there having networking problems with the broadband internet service?

Several of customers in Halifax County, VA are having issues connecting to the internet with our home pc's. We get messages stating that cannot find server or it just simly won't load pages. It is worse than dial up. Verizon will not tell us anything that is going on. I see on here several people are saying that the network is down. We are still on a 3G network and it isn't working. We have gotten about sick of this.

8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello tabitha0305. That must be frustrating for your device not to work as should. I am assuming that this is for wireless service considering you mentioned the 3G network. Which device do you have? What is your zip code? Did this issue just start? I searched for any network issues in Halifax County, VA and couldnt find any. How are you accessing the internet? Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you,

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My lap top is only connecting to 3G and I keep having to reactivate vzaccess.  This has never happened to me before.  I am in Kent, WA. Customer Service will not assist me.  They tell ,e to find some forms online. Sorry, I am not in Halifax County VA.


I began service in 2010. Upgraded 2012, worked another month and then nothing but trouble. Changed mifi, simm card, lots of complaints, and still does not work most days for the entire day. I would avoid Verizon till they fix this. I am growing tired of trying and am considering dropping it till they get it fixed. I am not getting what I am paying for, and I am seeing little progress. I know it worked, but it has not been working well since Feb, and at times, it does not work at all.


I move it to second floor too, no real change. Now they are sending an antenna. We shall see if that helps.

Right on works for a while. My new card worked fine for a month, then after the 30-days was over, all of this.

Will let people know if antenna works after I get it.


Yeah, mine broke in mid January, so I bought a USB modem.  It only works on the second floor attached to a curtain rod at the top of a window.  Now, however, it's slower than dialup, when it gets signal.  For the record, I'm posting this FROM MY CAR, and it's still connecting with 0 bars of 1x.

Location: Fowlerville, MI.  Fix it or I'm cancelling service.  I'm tired of all of your services working for just past the return period.  Also, even when you do fix it, I'm switching to Sprint.  This level of "service" is horrible.


If you look at Google, will see that this problem has been going on for a while. When I get my antenna, I will post result after a few test days, and then try to do a later follow up.

History has been, I complain, it starts to work better, they close ticket, then goes back to a failing condition. Complain again, I do things, they do things, works better, close ticket, Then it starts failing again.

Latest is I am in marginal area. No explanation why it worked for two years before. So antenna is needed. We shall see.


Here is an update for my antenna. The first antenna sent did not fit to connector, second did not fit either. So I checked with the Novatel site and found an adapter was needed. I got the part number, called Verizon, and they sent the adapter which allowed me to start trying the antenna's to see if they would help. They did, but not enough. I got a sleek from Amazon, it helped more especially when used with the antenna's Verizon sent and another adapter that let me use the antenna with the sleek (Amazon again).

Right now my access is very mixed. I can get it to work but it is spotty. I have tried using foil parabolic concentration devices I made using information and advice I got from:

The recent upgrade available on the admin of the mifi help some more.

That is about all I can presently offer as I am out of options that I know of and the result is spotty. I have forced the mifi to use only evdo so that it will be of enough speed to be of use. It often would jump to a slow speed which it would then stay on which made it almost unusable.


I just started having issues with my 3G broadband wireless on 4/16/12. It has worked flawlessly for almost 2 years but on 4/16/12, I started losing my wireless internet connection around 1pm. I cannot connect to the internet for 30-45 mins after the first drop then I can connect and it works the rest of the afternoon. Since I use it for work, it's a real pain to be in the middle of work on a remote computer and have the internet drop. This has been happening everyday this week and usually around the same time.

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Message was edited by: <personal information deleted per TOS>  I also forgot to add that when I am connected in the afternoon, the signal strength goes up and down like a roller coaster. It doesn't waiver at all in the morning.

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator
