Bandwidth Usage excessive????? HELP
Enthusiast - Level 3

Looking for someone that might know the answer to this.


Here is the run down.....

Hughesnet Satellite (have now) only 475MB per month.

Verizon Mifi 2200, have the 1 GB per month.


All Updates are turned off.

We live remote so no other users.

Averarge usage for us, is right at 475MB per month.



In Six days of "average" usage the VZAccess shows 435.335

I have to Assume that this is just under a Half of a gig, 500.000 right?


I am Also on a Static page, no updating and such and while all auto updates and such are off, (Even Mail is not automatic, have to press Get Mail) but yet I see in the VZAccess and in Status, its Pinging or Sampling using up bandwidth.


Anyone know why it would be using Way more bandwidth than I think it should.

I mean, Megs are Megs and Gigs are Gigs so its hard to understand why the Mifi is sucking up or Seems to be sucking up way more bandwidth than the Hughesnet below average satellite service..


59 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I can echo these posts and ditto almost identical & exactly with NorthernLights!
I too live outside of Richmond Virginia in a rural area with only Verizon service available.
I have had the mobile broadband since it became available in 2008.
I have a grandfathered unlimited data plan for 60$ a month and a MiFi that is my only access to the internet for my Desktop PCs -
I have 2 PCs but they are never on at the same time (and It is NOT a problem with my computers!
It happens on both and they have been gone over with a fine tooth comb.
I use the MiFi only with a direct USB connection; not wi-fi although that would be possible since I purchased wifi adapters for the 2 XP desktops to have that option and capability.
I live alone in an unpopulated secluded area. No One else is here or near to use the devices!
I never worried about data usage since mine was unlimited and my average use is anywhere from 2-5 GB a month.
My experience has become such a nightmare that my biggest prayer right now is that someone has information to share on this entire situation.....I would be glad to share what I have gleaned-but it is way, too too much, to detail here.
I am so exhausted.
I'm going to just toss a few points in case anything connects something for others---

The Data usage Verizon  is claiming is absolutely FALSE and Bizarre-- ( i echo everyone above) and after spending extreme amounts of time with Tech support etc., I was finally told that one of the reasons for my dysfunctional service was that,my account has been throttled ("Network Optimization" is their term)  for any of their unlimited data plan holders that go over 2 GB. or some other formulas i was told about.
(after agonizing, troubleshooting all of my ends- that they were blaming)
I am shut down for all intents and purposes since my speed is now under 56k.....

There are times that the session logs in the VZ access manager shows transfers of 4-8 GB in a day--- crazy stuff that is getting recorded as data even when tech support is on the phone with me barely able to load a page---

After complete clean un-installs and fresh installs of the VZ software(s) and a replacement MiFi device, it is all still happening.....and there are some rather freaky aspects as well as the unethical, immoral,illegal,and FRAUDULENT VERIZON handling that I have been subjected to. The techs and customer service are either very inept or lying,when they act as if they have never heard of anyone having these problems.I was one of the most loyal and trusting Verizon customers-and now I know from reading these posts that others may benefit from sharing "where we're at" and what we can do.
There truly needs to be an investigation and we truly can't trust them.
One of the many,strange, and mysterious facets for me- has been the extreme effect on my CPU, only after i click "connect" on Verizon Access Manager -with one svchost.exe (system) going from around 23,000 k to racking up to 900,000+ and the only way to stop it is to reboot the computer--- this happens whether there is even any browser ever launched or open---
Or I can even have the browser open  & vz access manager open but not "connected" and all is calm until ''connect'. And the data transfer starts racking up.
.13 seconds = 28 MB  a few minutes ago-(you have to shut it all down and reopen to see a current / or latest session log) but as an example,It took almost an hour to download the 41 MB vzam for the fresh install and that was a good day!

Once that all initiates and starts climbing in the memory usage it won't go back down even if you disconnect and close out vz or browser. Only a restart on the computer will reset--- and NO programs or even ALL my programs or files open is totally calm forever until Vz connects

Because I can't trust tech support now ,I have no hope of really finding out what the problems are--- the
most recent freakiness  is whenever Vz is "connected"  (with an internet browser or not! )-suddenly,randomly, the sound of radio type music or talking or 3 different commercials playing at one time and with no rhyme or reason will start up and last for various amounts of time....

I had a life before this started (around the same time frame others have noted...November 2011 for sure and who knows whenever else......
The wasted time and energy is staggering---the phone calls with Verizon-the Computer troubleshooting on 2 smooth,healthy, and streamlined systems....

This is also somehow criminal-and I'm not getting any response from the fraud department or tech investigations supposedly pending with trouble tickets.

there are so many aspects here---

another example, is that I have been told- that 4G ever becoming available here, is laughable,
and yet if I upgrade to any device that is 4G capable,then I will lose my grandfathered data plan-regardless that they can hardly provide 3G type service--- or the fact that I only use 6GB max (10-30 $ a GB?)
There are mobile hotspot capable phones that could help me as my pc internet connection.... and they said if I would agree to give up my unlimited data plan they would instantly turn my speed and function back on---it is a complete and total lie & line when they tell you that "Network Optimiztion" is for the benefit of the other customers on the tower....

We all need some help here. I'm so tired tonight- my typing is stuttering but I am available to anyone with questions or answers or any tidbits of insight.

Contributor - Level 3

Request a copy of the data records. I think you can only get it with a court order but you can actually see all the data websites and everything. You do need a court order so that is not easy. You can have them investigate, who knows maybe you have  adefective mifi.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I really appreciate your time in responding.

Sadly, that is where this is going and any assistance or info would help.

My faith,trust and loyalty to Verizon
and the earth shaking crash from their pedestal.... has me stunned.

I have a lot of information to share- but they have so throttled my service
that I have not been able to post here-it keeps disconnecting- or I have to reboot because of the runaway svchost.
I have some notepad- simple text notes to share,
that would blow your mind- and I  would also reply to John Getze but  it keeps crashing-
The MiFi has been replaced,I uninstalled all software before starting from scratch- I'm firewalled with a USB!
and they say it's not even possible,so obviously they won't help to secure it.
NONE of the malware detectors,have detected it....
The very pat response,is not even close to reality in this situation and if you really do care about Verizon,like I do,
then let's do something real in the real world....

(BTW ---- my friends call me 'Easy'  (truly:)  but this site never even showed a user name,just the ... 
so  'whatever' ... lol--- and who cares...?

I'm NOT here to vent nor bitch ---- But to share info and put heads together---this is a much more serious situation than I could have ever imagined ----

and yes,to John,there is most absolutely criminal conspiracy to commit evil and fraud (i don't know the ultimate source)

and I find it more than Bizarre that I can make that statement as a fact!

I have tech records- and logs----
so,.....who do y'all know that is super tech saavy! and could have a field day with this?
with this mobile broadband - data -- 3G--4G etc etc----to decipher and explain--

an -investigator is needed and Legal brains for sure!
I have documentation----

Basically my USB connection has been compromised - and there is massive amounts of data being downloaded into Several hidden system folders--- application data -Network services- local settings-etc--- there is a superfast connection and 850 MB in a brief time today---- cookies--- DOM files ----  Content.IE5
made up of thousands of assorted "pedestrian" type files----

this may be similar in some other folk's cases...

I can give you some clues to check for.

as a sample I will try to post an attachment or glad to speak with, or e-mail with anyone....

my  CPU is maxing--- it's going to disconnect---- i will try to come back---
Without an internet connection,I can't even research it and pure serendipity from above,showed me an off-the-wall insight.

this "whatever" is replicating faster each time and Verizon will not even consider that this is not my data---
Techs have been on the line with me, watching the session logs---- and then,gulping,go into this "robot employee" spiel

and that part,truly freaks me the most. multiple techs and calls---

The mega transfers  happen even without a browser---- by just clicking "connect" to Verizon Broadband

(and even if Verizon was --"behind this " false data usage and transfer
---- it would look like just another malicious type of "who knows what"
and it is---,

there would not be any way that they, as a company, could be shown responsible----

but, how convenient that unlimited data customers show 7 GB or so of pedestrian type data--- with cookies and 'history' files,etc,and blah blah blah
Once you are shut down,you will only be unthrottled if you will agree to give up your plan-
they truly say that a 4G device & plan will make this all go away...
The dishonest,gimmicks,games and bullsh*t was disgusting enough with someone you are doing honest business with.

I'm just a Lifelong Verizon customer who pays 160.00 a month for unlimited phone and internet---
simple!  has become a nightmare!

I continued to hold out hope that this "glitch" or mistake will somehow be resolved by my service provider: Verizon...
I do know! that they are responsible for this and "this" all feels like something out of a bad movie script)

.(google something like : "hack broadband" and be amazed by things like pringle cans and more)
Their absurd insistance that there is no way that any one or any thing is doing this but me,defies all reality.

and,by the way;I'm a chaplain for 1st responders and have NO desire to deal with all this kind of stuff.....
but but but but.....LMAO !  at,"why me?"

my real Boss,knows that when he shows something this evil or wrong to ME....

i  WILL  remain on duty....

there IS most absolutely; criminal conspiracy to commit evil and fraud
(maybe i don't know the whole story,but I work for someone who does...)
and He calls me,Easy ~

Champion - Level 1

VerizonFraud (Do you have a better name we can refer to you by?),

Network Optimization (different then throttling) is a very real enforcment tool that Verizon has for unlimited 3G users.  4G LTE devices and contracts are not vulnerable to N.O. so upgrading is a viable way to avoid it if you can stay under the data caps.  VZW has always had a policy in place for folks who go over 2GB/mo but only recently started to do anything about it.  If VZW deems your usage to be excessive they have the right to optimize you right now. 

VZW Network Optimization:

That being said, Optimization is a completly different subject then a data leak.  A data leak is anything that counts against your data plan without you knowing about it.  Once we learn where the leaks are coming from we can put a stop to them.  In your example it sounds like the device and network connection are leaky and racking up your data for you.  This sort of problem should be resolved by swapping the device for a new one.

It sounds like you are hitting high numbers because your data leak is excessive and thus VZW is choosing to optimize your connection.  Putting a stop to the leak will lower your data numbers and resolve your Network Optimzation issue too.  I would start by asking VZW to swap your device again to see if it will resolve the issue.  If they give you beef then the next step would be to request a Data Log from VZW and prove to them that you cannot possibly be consuming the data that you are being charged with.  This is done by combing through the log for examples of dates and times on your sessions where your usage cannot possibly exist in the way it has been recorded by VZW.

If VZW is unwilling to swap your device or attempt to resolve the issue then its time to end the service and look for something that will work better for you, simple as that.  VZW plans are pro-rated so your ETF will almost certainly be less then the full amount if not completly covered for your troubles. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm going to attach a couple of zipped notepad files -

but 1st I'm going to try to post the long text directly -

because I don't want anyone opening anything from my computer--- even tho it is just text logs ....

every security program that I have & am using, reads like this---

from MalwareBytes::::

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

This next one is simply a report showing what's in the garbage ---

from one of my most loved and respected utilities:

Piriform's  CCleaner

and what you see, was today's very brief sessions connected to Verizon's mobile broadband internet service

with my MiFi 2200 Usb directly plugged in...

no wi-fi

just a wide open superhighway that they can't help with

(can't post that amount of text so I will attach)

and I have plenty more records,besides just CCleaners documentations

but it should freak out anyone scanning it--- Verizon is charging me for this !

***edited add -

on 7-21 -- take a look at this log attached!

and then add more than 50,0000 more files that have now downloaded since and accumulated

---the GB of Data transfers are amassing!

check your hidden temp folders- and see if you have any of this kinda stuff ...

and more-

don't rely on your security systems---

and your problems may not even be related to mine

-but this is truly "something to see"    re: Data Usage...

and as a major note from me;

there are some truly wonderful Verizon Employees who are being wrongfully robbed of their trustworthy reputations by association....

Enthusiast - Level 3
Here is my final 'written' ramblings of some rough notes to a friend about this-
while I'm waiting for him to get off duty- I'm trying to refocus/regroup
I can't access much thru my internet connection tonight and was surprised that this e-mail ''sent & went"
if it copies here- there may be something in it that will connect for someone.
online forums aren't my 'thing' but I think I could summerize lots and lots
in a concise conversation of 30-45 minutes or less
so feel free to try to connect with me if you'd like to.

copy of email---> as is- and "whatever"
I'm out of here-
I need some fresh air and a long walk on this pretty summer night...

ok Jimmy,
here are some of the rambling details you asked about-
and if you can connect me to some kind of Rescue 911- PC personelle
please call - cause you may not get thru to me on the world wide web

besides the fact that:
I hate trying to communicate in writing!
the incredible involvement in discombobulating my office
and taking it "somewhere"
I don't know where to start next...
I am so miserable...
What if someone called 911 and nobody responded...
Well, when you firefighters & ems call 911,
what if we couldn't respond?--
(just call Heaven directly, y'all will be in good hands;)

I'm so Shanghiad !!

This is a very bizarre situation,that seems to have been going on
with my Verizon internet service
for who knows how long....?

I have had an unlimited plan for years and just regular use--
so I never monitered data usage...
the service has been so bad, for so long,
that I never considered or imagined....foul play
I am including a fascinating glimpse of my Verizon "data usage" files
from just the past couple of days....
when I first saw some "hidden content" while waiting for tech support.
987 MB just in Ccleaner and CC can't even see some of these files
other than the usual places-
I had to open folders and delete in 1000+ batches
because there are undeletables within some....
and the registry changes are related to vast assortments of file ext.
& some that I've only read about ---lol

note some crazy stuff -like 1300+ Hotfix uninstallers-
(BTW windows update isn't working for me)- no duh
and NOTE  the IE temp files show 15000+
but that's only because I sent 'folders' of them to the recycle bin
and this report doesn't show the inside count---
probably 15,000 20,000 or so...
980+ MB in a few scattered minutes or hours time connected to Verizon...
Now,when i disconnect at Vzam, it says it has disconnected---
but when I restart the whole system,
windows says it's closing down the open connection!
and I never have done that-- I always manually back out in the steps
and although the connection is ''open''
I'm getting errors when I try to reconnect---

for Bored,Shallow minded folks just following the popular subjects---
(make money at home,weight loss,celebrity dumb stuff
and just random one size fits all kind of mixtures--
every assortment of file exts ! and formats that exists
- pics html xml .
everything! anything!
my real activity is not in those folders
and is  just a few temp files from pages I really did open
---Verizon is insisting this is "my data"
(I don't even have a browser launched during most of it)
my MiFi is USB only---(how is this being done?)
I'm also firewalled with XpPro--with no exceptions.
when i "connect" something opens a big pipeline--
it starts downloading at speeds i've never,never seen for myself & my own use
(that is incredibly cruel-while I'm struggling to even get spyware-virus updates
(150kb took 4 minutes)
I'm now using Network monitors and logs like 'NetWorx to record info like:
speeds & other logs/info etc-
it is also recording freakies in the ie ''history folders"
and makes it appear that i was "there"---
i always  kept it cleaned before but now i'm saving my real activity ....
Verizon supervisors and techs say that they can't share
what info they can view--with me

I have had techs on the phone with me while i "connect"
both of us seeing the data transfers
like 28mb in 13 seconds--
500 MB  to  8 - 9 GB on any one day!
yet I can hardly load my homepage of
I'm getting 18-43k
I always laughed thinking it was a false reading because mine was slow it couldn't compute....
Professional Verizon Techs have had me do speed tests many times and surely they should've ....
so much defies LOGIC & COMMON SENSE !
If I was downloading a couple of GB a day- would I be spending my time chatting with tech support about pages struggling to load ----
Hours of phone time....
Verizon says I need court order for MY records of actual internet traffic etc--
and the format that I can record their "session log" in,
(the VZaccessManager software)
won't copy/ display what I can see on the screen
here are some quick notes- in the puzzle, so that
if you have someone who is knowledg-able with any of this--
please recommend!-
otherwise, i'm reading up on stuff from scratch for DIY
with hardly an internet connection
and will probably try the closest city's,local GeekSquad at Best Buy
It's way past DIY for me
I only realized on Monday-Tuesday that Verizon won't help!!
-- and won't even consider that the data usage is Crazy and a lie!
I'm "grandfathered" unlimited- so at least they can't charge -
but they won't provide service- either
and will throttle til I agree to switch to a tiered plan....
then they swear everything will work perfectly!
-like flipping a switch--
I  need a tech guru to help me--
My Pretty new phone is still only a paperweight on my desk
  I can't dare activate this Android Galaxy Nexus with a 6 GB plan,
when the data usage is bizarre and insane---
(they say it will all go away if only i will activate
a 4G plan in my barely 3G service area)....
Whoever and however this is happening-
( HOW ???)
I can't imagine how anything or anyone could be "gaining"
by DOWNloading into my PC- besides Verizon--showing it as my "data usage"
Me to imagine something so farfetched in my trust of Verizon, that
I can hardly comprehend that kind of possibility -
and meanwhile I have been thinking that tech support was investigating
my poor connection in the service at the tower --
I already tried a new  MiFi device- & complete uninstall
and re-install of all The Verizon software stuff...

and they never really even had a ''trouble ticket open''
I've been patiently waiting for their lie---
I'm on my Father's clock and He has been on top of the unfolding--
I'm not going to detail some of the stuff here-
but will be looking forward to a lawyer presenting the truths-
like them insisting for the past year that there was no such 3G
replacement device available and a 4G would have changed my plan---
then one of the techs realizing that I was sticking to my account
forever---just simply "found" one last week
and offered that hopeful solution---
"it must be MY device causing problems--
the time & energy wasted on all that whole shebang of BullSh!t
was all recorded
I always get names and #'s as any matter of course
and NOW, I want every tech formerly investigated and prosecuted.
This round probably connected to 15-20 different individuals,
representing Verizon
in the past 6 weeks of Hell
for ME to say something so extreme like this-
especially about my beloved Verizon,
you know, this is the real deal,man!
....and then Monday when I saw with my own eyes
the data logs that one of them mentioned while I was clocking 43k
I was Incredulous,Disbelief !!
these files were/are flooding into a typically "hidden" system folder-

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Cookies
all users -- blah blah blah

and nothing that I used for maintainence or malware had picked them up...
File paths are also wacko now,
as an example,
my 20 GB of Music & Art -- have weird FilePaths-
but they are still there-
even tho it's no longer "My Music"
I switched my focus on Monday to the Verizon FRAUD DEPT
and they  (conceited & arrogant) refuse to
consider that anything or anyone can be hacking my USB
and their Secure Verizon Service
if i have something malicious on my pc-
they have no help or info available-- (and no way to secure)

it only happens with a live connection
and then interacts with a svchost.exe blasting my CPU til i reboot
I've always run a very streamlined system
with only 21-26 processes running
and--no auto updaters!
(except the mifi location updater)

BUT Now,
I have been been uninstalling anything that I thought could be a problem
even to- Uninstalling all Adobe Macromedia crap
ESPECIALLY the Flash programs--

but this thing mixed in flash files
and would start playing several at one time!
Extremly freaky!!!! 
with no browser open or media player---
So :

I'm done here!

However, if there is someone that I can Tell "all about it"---
so that they will then take it from there....
i will be glad to expend the time and effort---
for my sake or theirs--

but just to Hear myself repeat
all the facts and pieces of this nightmare --
and then "nothing" of a response-resolution-

I'll just go sit on the porch and talk 'Outloud' to GOD and myself

and any other Human communication can be accomplished by HUMAN VOICE-
in person or by phone....

I need a legal eagle

There is a very serious situation here-
and no doubt there is a "Wrongful acts and criminal conspiracy
to commit "whatever" by "whoever" for who knows "why-ever"...
and anyone who helps is welcome to go for monetary compensation
I couldn't care less for the money angle

HOW is it being done??????
Invisible Browsers ? thru firewalls?  why?  who?
whatcha thinking,FireMan?
even Lustifer in all created Brilliance,and with cohorts,
can only spin wheels
and this dumb stuff is "time" consuming
This batch that follows,is representing a very small amount of time
when I am "connected"--
just a text sample of some of the thousands of files
being downloaded thru Verizon via my MiFi/Cell/MOBILE BROADBAND

I've got Hijack analysis reports-
and lots of various logs and documentation clues...
I CAN'T & WON'T dump them on you---

but i can & will gather them,if anyone wants them--

~ in answer to your earlier questions,
most of my own personal files are backed up on an external HD-
but NOT my firefox tabs-bookmarks- email-programs etc etc
i'm only using IE(8) because I'm hoping to protect my Firefox-
while I solve....
i hate IE! (& have those favs copied on external too )
(but of course,I'm scared that everything could be infected-everywhere!--
I would imagine that a wipe and fresh Xp
would be quicker & easier than fixing
I really need this investigated because of data-internet invasion
and the history of my dealings and treatment by Verizon

I will pursue and press charges if at all possible and in all ways
even if only for the  least of our brothers & sisters.
Don't know what comes next...
It is probably cheaper to buy another pc than fix -
but i don't have money for either,right now....
(also,I bought this XP Pro PC used, and don't have the CD)

Technical Info help is what I'm hoping for right now-
It's got me tangled up and shut me down!

Please help me find help,Buddy
while I regroup and refocus- gathering this info
& zip files will follow when I can manage an upload of 90-100 k

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Cookies
PLUS DOMSTORE .XML FILES in DOM Folder-- (simple silly sites)
not to even mention the Adobe and Java
blah blah blah
so Don't ask me and I won't tell you

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings
\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
i will zip some of those logs and docs you asked about---
it's weird after uninstalling so much that would typically scan,diagnose & report
but I surely messed up when I upgraded Advanced WindowsCare to 5
I've always trusted them with Registry work- but I never imagined
this mess....

all that is necessary for evil to flourish-
is for God's kids to do nothing.
Bottom Line & Top of my page was todays verse at BLB-
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understandings
in all your ways,acknowledge HIM, and HE will direct your paths"

regardless of some evil losers who think they can hack or manipulate your filepaths--they're just temps...

and I really "saw" some stuff.... with no pleasure in witnessing
Verizon is gonna go down in shock and awe
-I can see it coming like LandAmerica
and it has me in stunned awe.
RideBackwards FireFighter
God's in Charge and we get to ride along

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator to compy with Community Terms of Service


Shock 4

Champion - Level 1


Thanks for sharing, you sure do have an abundance of information. 

Do you have your original OS installation disks or a backup available?  If so then I recommend reinstalling your entire OS and starting from scratch.  It really does sound like your computer has been compromised and is beyond repair.  Dont ask us what it has been compromised by, we dont know and its not worth anyones time to find out.

Any additional troubleshooting that we could suggest will be invalid unless we can feel confident that the machine is clean.  You are beyond virus scanning and detection tools at this point.  Start over with a clean and simple setup and monitor for any differences.

Champion - Level 1

Another way to feel more confident about a reload would be to borrow a friends computer for a while and conduct an experiment.

If VZW is at fault then then the problem would be recreatable on another machine in your same enviornment.  If the problem is not recreatable with another machine then you will know that there is something wrong with your machine, thus time for a reload.

Enthusiast - Level 3


My reply to your e-mail was by my own personal email --- the real one!

I don't use a bunch of aliases and I'm wondering why you posted it here...

oh well, and whatever....just another brick in the wall...

the "reply'' system isn't working here- just the edit

so my response to your advice /suggestion of taking all of this Verizon hardware,software,malware etc to someone else's computer to experiment with is: OMG!

what kind of person would do that to someone ????????????

Can you please give me your expert opinion of  WTF   and WHAT  is  "THIS"   that is going on ?????

your other advice that I just wipe everything - is beyond any rational reply....

This computer is my only hope of information contained to solve this puzzle.....

I will attempt just a gist of the earlier thoughtful reply that evaporated....

I recieved by fedex yesterday- a wifi adapter from Verizon to try  another uninstall and start from scratch with wifi on the mifi----

I also have a 4G Galaxy Nexus with a 14 day try almost up and sitting here like a brick -

while I've been spinning wheels thinking that the new MiFi was going to work- until I realized that it is something malicious thruout----

I am now,also  waiting for a 4G Jetpack thing -that a tech sent yesterday that he declares will fix everything---

I have only their word that my "TRY 4G"

is really not going to cheat me and rob me of my grandfathered plan -

I will have 14 days---  ''grace period'' (beginning from the conversation-not arrival)

The Nexus planning took hours of my investment learning about the phone-- it's a commitment to learn the sytem

and I was pressured with a last minute offer of Double data--- (bs)

4 Gb plus add a mobile hotspot for 2 more and for my 60.00 a month added to my phone,I was going to switch and commit to 6 Honest GBs -

and 10.00 for one more----

this was going to be my PC connection. I am only one person and can not use all at the same time---


I laid down for a little while with that thought -

and the closed VZaccess manager showed NO  CONNECTION!

I woke up and found another GB + of data transfer (9 GB so far and no end in sight)

when nothing was on but my computer---- the Verizon connection was wide open -and showed it was NOT!

No page would display - and connect got an error-

I chose not to shut down computer before laying down --

after I saw some strange registry changes--- and too tired to examine

Now -


can someone or anyone,look at this situation or these files and facts -or give me some truth about WTF  I am dealing with......?????

does anyone know anyone who might recognize



and obviously: a wipe I might ---

but never!  before this forensic info or evidence can be evaluated


Champion - Level 1


I am writing to you directly on the VZW community forum.  I assume you are responding to me via the email notifications?  If so then anything that you respond to in email will get uploaded to the community forum for all to view.     It looks like the Mod's have already deleted your contact info from the forums anyways.

You can send me a private message from the forum if you wish to share contact information.  Just sign in and follow me by hovering over my name.  Click the Follow button and then wait for me to approve.  From there click on my name to view my profile, go to the Actions icon and click the Send Direct Message button.


I have a similar situation. We set up my husband's parents to use Verizon mifi 3GB plan. They've had this plan for a year and have never gone over 1GB per month. Last month, they supposedly used 86GB! We've spent several hours on the phone with verizon trying to determine what happened. This is an elderly couple and they definitely do not have anyone coming in and out of their house. The mifi is password protected and the signal is weak outside their house.

Verizon classifies this bill as a diamond ticket and as such they did extensive data log reviews. They were able to tell me the days and times of the data use spikes. They say the majority of the spikes are online chat gaming. This couple does not know what online chat is and they are not interested in any online computer games much less are they doing online chat gaming!

Verizon 'graciously' reduced the bill 25% so now they are 'only' expecting my in-laws to pay $665 for data usage they DID NOT USE. Verizon has offered to replace the mifi hardware "to prevent this from happening again". My hope is that the new device will correct the problem, but they are still expected to pay this huge bill. By Verizon offering to replace the unit, that tells me they know about a problem but why would they still charge their customers for their problem?? My in-laws are willing to give them anything they need to pinpoint the source of the problem. How can we pinpoint the source of the data usage?

Champion - Level 1

lhat wrote:

By Verizon offering to replace the unit, that tells me they know about a problem but why would they still charge their customers for their problem??

Not necessarily.  It is not conclusive to say that VZW is the source of the problem.  Increased data usage can come from ligitimate reasons outside of VZW's reporting tools.  This is why VZW always likes to charge first and investigate later.    If there is a computer (any computer or device) on your network that is requesting data from VZW then VZW has a right to charge you for it.

Prooving the problem is with VZW is difficult.  The best chance that you have for pinning this on VZW is if nothing else changes but the replacement device and the problem goes away.  Sometimes this is the case and folks report back that the problem has been resolved, but we never hear back if VZW comps the bill or not.

lhat wrote:

My in-laws are willing to give them anything they need to pinpoint the source of the problem. How can we pinpoint the source of the data usage?

To pinpoint the source of the problem you will need a internet trafic monitoring tool.  Tools like this when downloaded to a machine are often called "sniffers" as they expose and show you the actual packets of information that are sending/recieving on your network connection.  If you download and install a sniffer on the effected machine(s) you will be able to log and review all of the internet activity that goes betweeen your computer and the VZW device.  This is painstakingly tedious work.  There are vast amounts of information that are passed between your computer and any other connected devices at any given time.  What you would be looking for would be anything unusual and it might take you a while to determine what that is. 

My favorite sniffer is WireShark.  Just about any kind of packet sniffer will do.  There are also other external devices that you can purchase which attempt to do live logging for you too.

Enthusiast - Level 1

WOW, they are doing the same thing to me. They need to investigated for fraud. I would love to talk to you.

Enthusiast - Level 3

<Post deleted for containing personal information and for being SPAM per the .>

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

Enthusiast - Level 1

<Duplicate post deleted for crossposting per the .>

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator


I am a truck driver, had been with altel with unlimited usage, up graded to the mifi 4g (5 gig plan) have never went over 3 gigs, all of a sudden this month( 11/ 2012) they notified me that i was at my limit. Come on now i have only been  out here now for a week and a half. Have not done one thing different then i usually do. I think if something does not change fast i will  quit verizon all together, me and my wife have been loyal customers for some time now, but i am not going to put up with this BS.


Verizon is in business to make money and they are making a bundle. They don't have much competition for cellular (Wi-Fi) broadband internet business so they can charge whatever they want to. $100.00 for 10 GB of data is price gouging in my opinion. Viewing a hi-def movie could use 10 GB of data. Unless Verizon and ATT get more competition they will charge the max that the market will bare. Another thing Verizon does is nickel and dime their customers. Verizon markets a service for $20.00 and then charges $20.10 and call it a Verizon surcharge.  This can add $5.00 to $10.00 to each bill. Multiply this "surcharge" across all their customers and it amounts to major revenues for good old Verizon. So, find another provider of pay the bill.  You might also consider buying some Verizon stock.
