Can I use an 'over the counter' USB Wi-Fi Card with Verizon?

I currently own an old Verizon Kyocera KPC650 PC Card that has monthly nationwide broadband access. It works great in my

2005 Dell Computer (which has a PC slot for it).


I also have a 2009 HP Pavilion Laptop which only has USB Ports and cannot accept the KPC650 PC Card. Apparently, Verizon offers free Wi-Fi to people that subscribe to monthly nationwide broadband access. The internal modem in the HP IS NOT Wi-Fi compatible.


Can I purchase an 'over the counter' USB Wi-Fi card on the internet (for $10) then use it to access Verizon Wi-Fi (against the Kyocera KPC650 account) on the HP?  Or do I need to buy the USB Wi-Fi Card directly from Verizon?


Thanks much !

Re: Can I use an 'over the counter' USB Wi-Fi Card with Verizon?

if you did this - how would the wi-fi hotspot know that you are a valid Verizon data plan member? I'd suspect that you'd need VZACCESS manager and access the Wi-Fi hotspot through it - right?


isn't that how laptops with embedded 3G work?