Can't keep broadband wireless connected...

I have a broadband wireless express card (Novatel Merlin CDMA EV-DO Modem) on my laptop, and I have my laptop with me at work, on the road.  I basically have to drive up to a Verizon cell tower to connect, and as soon as I am about a mile down the road, I lose the connection. This all seems to have started about 6 months ago, when the VZ AccessManager program auto-updated itself. Ever since then, I have had this problem, and it just seems to be getting worse all the the time. It is now to the point where I am considering just switching to another wireless provider, because I can't seem to get any satisfaction through Verizon. I am definitely not getting the service that I am paying for. It used to work fine, but ever since this update, my signal quality just stinks. If anyone has any ideas or possible remedies, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

1 Reply
Contributor - Level 1

First attempt to do a PRL update it could be your PRL is out of wack


Open up VZACCESS Manager and go to OPTIONS>ACTIVATION and wait patiently for 2 minutes,  Then see what happens.


If your still experiencing issues you can try another modem if your out of contract.


If not I would Recommend purchasing your device without a contract and pay $49.99 a month for your service instead of the $59.99 you pay now.


You can get your data card and service from  



Another Carrier you might want to consider if your having issues with your signal is Sprint or even AT&T

