Does Network Extender have a Base Station ID?
Champion - Level 3

I'm trying to find out if one of my Network Extenders is in use.  Does a Network Extender have a Base Station ID that can be located if it is communicating to the Verizon Wireless network?  Is it possible to identify what ISP the Network Extender is traversing to reach the Verizon Wireless network?

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
7 Replies
Champion - Level 1

Network Extenders route your 3G signals through your local ISP connection. The ISP would be the same as your cable modem and home network (Comcast, Charter, Cox, etc.). Network Extenders are not directly communicating with VZW like a cell phone would do in any other enviornment. 

If you do not know who your ISP is then you will need to contact your network administrator. Otherwise you would have to try and use TraceRT and NSLookup to deduce who your ISP is by the hops that are taken to a given website.  There is no way to interface with this device and lookup specific connection information like you would a home router or modem.

You can verify that you are using the Network Extender by dialing #48 on a VZW cell phone while in the range of the extender.  A call made from within the NE's range will also play a double ring tone at the beginning of the call.  If either of these checks fail then your NE is not in use. 

Champion - Level 3

Are you saying that calls from a wireless phone when using a network extender, cannot be traced back to a specific ISP gateway (Comcast, Charter, Cox, etc) entering the VZW network?


...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Champion - Level 1

Taking a second look at the NE User Guide I found some interesting information on page 6:

"The base station can be managed to ensure Verizon Wireless phone numbers you authorize will always enjoy priority access to the network extender network....

...Authorized account users can manage access settings for thier Verizon NE by logging into MyVerizon at"

Try signing into your MyVerizon account and see if you can find what you are looking for.

Champion - Level 3

I’m aware that the network extender can be managed to control what numbers get priority when using the network extender.  That doesn’t help with my question.  I have a network extender located somewhere and I want to find out how to identify where it is so I can identify which family member may be using it.  If its' MAC ID or BASE STATION ID can be identified in the VZW network and traced back to what ISP the traffic is coming from, I might be able to locate the family member using it.


...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Champion - Level 1

MAC address is easy enough to lookup if thats what you want.  You would have to sign into the router that is connected to the NE and take a look at its diagnostic options.  Most home routers come with some kind of table that can display the MAC addresses of the connected devices.  Cross reference the MAC addresses with the other connected devices and you will find the MAC of the NE by process of elimination.

Not sure if there is a way to verify the BID of the NE.  From what is provided in the documentation it doesnt appear to have any way to lookup that info.  Perhaps it is written on the bottom side of the NE?  Otherwise if you had a phone that could display BID's you could try to look it up from that device too.  Some phones can do this under the advanced options.  I suppose if you could view it from a phone while in range of the NE you could walk out of range of the NE and compare to see if it changed.

Champion - Level 3

Logging in to MyVerizon shows me the MAC ID’s of the Network Extenders on my account. That is not in question. I have downloaded the ‘My Cell Tower’ app and am trying to use that to isolate whether the Network Extender is being identified as a tower.


...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Champion - Level 1

I had a feeling that you were trying to do something simple.  Is this the app you are using?  If not then shoot us a link so we can see for ourselves what you are dealing with.

Without knowing anything about the app I suggest you do the following:

1. Stand within range of the NE

2. Make a call to a friend

3. Confirm that you hear the double beep/tone at the beginning of the call

  a. This is your verification from the NE that you are within range (50 foot radius)

4. Confirm the BID that is displayed on your app

5. Walk outside the range of the NE

6. Make a call to a friend

  b. There should be no beep from the NE this time

7. Confirm the BID that is displayed on your app

With a little trial and error you should be able to confirm what you are looking for.  If the BID changes then the NE has its own BID.  If the BID does not change then the NE does not have its own BID. Simple as that.
