Jetpack 4510L wont connect.

Hello, I live in a rural area and verizon 3g is my only highspeed option. I have had service for the past 6 months, and every week or two my internet stops working for about 16-24 hours. I try to reset it, and take the battery out etc etc. So, I finally gave up thinking it must be the tower having issues. Well about a week ago I got a galaxy s3 to my data plan. When my MIFI stopped working I looked on my galaxy phone and I had a good 3g signal, so now i am hot spotting from my phone instead of my MIFI device. I am almost 100% certain the problem is NOT with my MIFI device and something is blocking my access from service. I say this because when this happens (and it does regularly) I just leave my mifi device on and eventually in a day or so when I come back everything works just fine. There is only 1 tower in my area that uses cdma. Both my phone and mifi connect to the same tower. Can I get some sort of coherent response rather than the run of the mill general answer. 

PS. I don't think its very fair that when I go over my monthly limit I am charged for a GB, however when I dont have service several times a month I dont get any compensation.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hello jcuervo947,

The Jetpack is a GREAT way to stay connected while on the go! It’s a great way to unleash the power of our 4G LTE network! It’s definitely a great way to conduct business and stay socially connected. I want to ensure that your able to enjoy all the benefits of your jetpack 4510L. May I ask what software do you have on your 4510L? If you have never updated the software on the device4 then below is a link so you can do so at your convenience.

May I ask what city, state, and zip code are you in? I would like to check to see if there are any network enhancements taking place in your area. Also, can I assume that there isn’t any physical or liquid damage on the device? If not then it will be my pleasure to verify that there isn’t anything blocking your data connectivity on the 4510L. To be proactive in finding a solution, I have already request to follow you of which is pending your approval. If you would like for me to review your account then please send me a private message with your full name, mobile number of the jetpack 4510L, and a brief summary of the issue, as a reminder. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you…

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