MiFi Port Forwarding?

So I've had a MiFi 2200 for a couple of years. For a long while now, I've been trying to setup Port Forwarding on this thing, to no avail. Is it possible? Has anyone ever done it successfully? I have  Port Forward tab on the MiFi router webpage, and I can check or uncheck various types of software entries (Web, FTP, etc.) which I assume will open the common port associated with them (Web or HTTP = 80, etc.) but no matter what I have tried, nothing works.

I'd like to be able to see an IP camera I have on my network, when I am away from home. Similiarly, I'd like to be able to log into my home DVR system the same way. And also, my home automation system can be accessed via web interface. But all of these things require me to forward ports to specific clients attached to my MiFi router.

This is become more common every day. If this cannot be done with the 2200, can it be done with the newer MiFi's?


1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon Wireless is not supporting port fwd. Security reasons. I was also wanting this to work. I think it is a promotional thing so places like go to my pc can charge you an un godly amount of money for a service that should be part of the ISP package. The IP addressing is public and private. All ports all stealth and not responding to pings. They should at least provide software that would allow a user to access remotely so the customer is not faced with one more expense.
