Network Error - Windows has detected an IP address conflict.
Enthusiast - Level 2

10th time that I have woken my laptop from 'sleep' mode only to see this Network Error message. Says to contact network administrator for help resolving this issue. BUT can't find a way to contact Verizon Wireless network admin for assistance.

1 Solution
Champion - Level 1

Anytime you post to a forum you should give the readers basic information to help them understand the context of your problem.  For example, which VZW broadband device are you referring to?  What OS is displaying this message?  What other devices are connected to this network?

IP Address conflicts happen when there are two devices on a network with the same IP Address.  This cannot happen and will break communication for both devices on the network.  The only way to resolve this problem is to properly assign static IP addresses for all connected devices or allow the normal automatic DHCP features of the router to manage everything for you.  Chances are good that you have a static IP address configured on one device and your router happened to hand that same IP to another device on a dynamic IP.  When the Static IP address device came back online (as in your laptop sleeping scenario) it noticed that its IP was taken and was not allowed to grab another from the router.

If static and dynamic IP addresses are required then you need to make sure that your router is configured to remove those static IPs from its normal DHCP/automatic pool.  This way you cannot have another device come along and automatically grab an IP that belongs to another device.

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1 Reply
Champion - Level 1

Anytime you post to a forum you should give the readers basic information to help them understand the context of your problem.  For example, which VZW broadband device are you referring to?  What OS is displaying this message?  What other devices are connected to this network?

IP Address conflicts happen when there are two devices on a network with the same IP Address.  This cannot happen and will break communication for both devices on the network.  The only way to resolve this problem is to properly assign static IP addresses for all connected devices or allow the normal automatic DHCP features of the router to manage everything for you.  Chances are good that you have a static IP address configured on one device and your router happened to hand that same IP to another device on a dynamic IP.  When the Static IP address device came back online (as in your laptop sleeping scenario) it noticed that its IP was taken and was not allowed to grab another from the router.

If static and dynamic IP addresses are required then you need to make sure that your router is configured to remove those static IPs from its normal DHCP/automatic pool.  This way you cannot have another device come along and automatically grab an IP that belongs to another device.