Network extender - Call Volume is very Low - caller cannot hear

I've had the network extender for several months. We have a big problem with the sound level of the call from our cell phones.  The call volume is so low that it is impossible to hear each other on the call.  I am getting very frustrated with this issue. I have been back and forth with verizon and my DSL provider (embarq).  Nothing has fixed this problem.  Calls can start out just fine, then the sound level gets to low to hear each other talk.  I have checked network speed, ping rates, jitter levels, etc.  I've looked at routers and other computers and xboxes on our home network. Tried different cell phones. Nothing seems to help  Does anyone have issues with the volume of sound on their service?  I am about ready to 'give' this network extender back to Verizon and switch over the AT&T, which actually has good service in our area. I mean, this is Verizon's problem in the first place, as I used to have great cell coverage for my home, then about 9 months the cell tower signal dropped to about 1 bar.

any help would be appreciated!   raymop. 

1 Reply
I have had the Network Extender for 5 months.  I have the audio problem but in reverse, the call audio is extremely low at the start and after 20 seconds to a minute and a half finally raises to a normal level.  Been on and off the phone with Verizon Tech support for the last 5 months and finnally going to talk with Samsung technical support this week for more troubleshooting.  I will post what happens and if it is resolved.