One use of MIFI2200 - Computer fried. Help?

I got my MIFI 2200 yesterday. Charged the battery, installed it on my Windows XP machine.  Worked great!  Removed it to check wifi - my son's Apple iTouch found the signal and it worked well.  Powered down.  1 hour later - turned it on to try wifi with my linux laptop - I couldn't see the signal.  Plugged it back into my WIndows XP machine - computer could not see the MIFI 2200.  Tried Auto-Detect - no luck.  Thought I would check My Computer to see if the card showed up - the animated search icon appeard and nothinbg was found in My Computer.  Time to shutdown and reboot - No Luck.  Two unidentified programs were running in the background.  I had to use the power switch to stop the computer. 


Now boot fails - Dell screen appears, then nothinf.  F2 and F12 do nothing.


Could the MIFI have fried my hard disk?  Could a virus have slipped in in the 5 min I was online (checked 1 safe email and went to the Verizon site).


Any help will be appreciated.  Thanks!


- tip184

3 Replies

Apparently the computer failure just occurred coincidentally with the installation of the MIFI 2200 - it was apparently not the card's fault.  I have successfully installed it on a different computer, and have also since gotten the original computer working again.


Apologies for the earlier post.


Now, if someone can offer insight into getting my linux laptop to reliably see the wifi output of the MIFI 2200 I will be very happy.



Contributor - Level 3
hmm the mifi is just a usb device, it cant fry your pc, unless the mifi itself had a short inside and its no longer working with any other computers?
Contributor - Level 1

By default WiFi only works when the MiFi is NOT connected to a computer by wire. (There's a way to get around this, but let's keep it simple for now). So if you have it tethered try disconnecting the cable and plug it into a USB charger instead (or run it on battery). The MiFi doesn't have as much range as a normal WiFi router, so put it near the linux box. If it still doesn't show up it's probably a configuration problem in Linux, and debugging that is rather difficult from a distance.
