Overusuage on data useage all of a sudden with umw190 modem

we've had mobile broadband with the umw190 modem since dec of 2009.   For apprx a year we always stayed below our 5Gbyte limit except for a couple of times we used 6 and then 7Gbyte.   The last 3 months our usage has been apprx 10, 12, & 15Gbyte with terrible penalties.   We are not using the labtop anymore than we had in the 1st 12 months.  I talked to a support tech at Verizon and he explain that we may be viewing more videos (ex: you tube).  We may be a little, but not a whole lot.

He suggested to becareful of the amount of videos etc and even suggested unplugging our modem when not online, which we have.  But even doing that,  we're 15 days into the month and our usage is already over 7Gbytes.   Has anyone else had this problem and suggestions houw to fix this problem.    We're in a rural area and Cable internet isn't available out here.  Our

only other choice would be from our Dish Sattelite Service which is looking pretty good right now with the bills we've gotten over the past 3 months.

I'm considering upgrading our plan to a higher limit.

   Any suggestions would be appreciated.



1 Reply
Contributor - Level 3
Its a little tough to explain why its happening without really being there, but takeing out your device is the best bet. there coould be programs running in the background(good or BAD) that would use data on their own without your authorization. I would also do so system clean up(i.e. disk defragment, disk clean, scan for viruses, etc.) see if that helps.