Samsung SCH-LC11 disconnects

The LC11 frequently disconnects from the network, but only on some computers.

Where I live the 4G network has come in within the last 2 weeks, but had same problems before on 3G

I have a laptop (Windows Vista), a desktop (Windows XP), and a wireless printer (HP Photosmart 6100).  Problem doesn't seem to be with computers, printer or LC11, but somewhere farther back in the Verizon connections.


For the laptop, I waded through tech support about a month ago, until I got to what must be 3rd level and a very savy guy there determined that connectivity problem could be solved by changing my laptop IP address settings so I was also going to one specific IP address.  He claimed there were some glitches in how Verizon and vista assigned IP addresses.


Now, I can sometimes get all three devices (laptop, desktop, and printer) to work on the LC-11, but after a while the desktop and printer will disconnect from the network.    I get "Status, limited or no connectivity" and "Network did not assign a network address to your computer."


 I try reconnecting, turning computer and printer off, etc, but nothing works.    All the while, the laptop is connected to the internet thru the LC-11 and will do all I ask (except of course connect to the printer).


I'm on my second LC-11 (about 2 weeks old).

Anyone else have the fix????







10 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

I have had problems with disconnects on the LC11 from the start. Verizon has replaced the unit once and the battery twice. Neither has fixed the issue. It actually falls into 2 separate scenarios:


1. When traveling, it disconnects switching between 4G and 3G, and sometimes doesn't reconnect until the device is power cycled. I have been told by Verizon support that this is a network problem that will be fixed RSN (Real Soon Now).


2. When I am in a single spot all day it disconnects frequently, but usually reconnects. Yesterday I made a change to settings that seems to have helped a lot, but it will take more testing to be sure. In Network Settings, WiFi tab, I changed the WiFi channel from "automatic" to a specific channel. As most routers use channels 1, 6 or 11, I chose 7. It remained connected for 5 hours, then disconnected once but reconnected immediately for 3 more hours. I had it plugged in the whole time.


I have also noticed that disconnects are more frequent when the battery is low. PLUS the observation that it appears to be impossilble to fully charge the battery. It stops around 95%, then drops to below 90% in the first few minutes of use. This is why I am on my 3rd battery, but either there are a slew of bad batteries or the charging circuit has a bug in it.


PDCLarry   Don't think we have quite the same problems, but I can commiserate with your frustrations.


I too have had the problem with a disconnect while traveling and switching from 4G to 3G.


I read your post on setting a specific WiFi channel and tried to set my computer to a specific channel, but my software wouldn't let me do it.  Also, don't know if it is possible to do that for a wireless printer.  I too have kept my SCH LC-11 plugged in to avoid any low battery problems.


Further update on my difficulties.  This afternoon was able to connect my desktop to the SCH LC-11 and the internet.  But wasn't able to print from desktop to wireless printer (even though wireless printer says it is connected to SCH LC-11). 

Required a printer reboot and reconnect to SCH LC-11 to get it to work.


Also had to restart my laptop, install the wireless printer and reinstall it to get the laptop to print. 


Total time lost about  16 hours off the network plus 2 hours to go thru the steps to get everything back up.


I suspect that Verizon is having some problems between the SCH LC-11 connection and their towers or the software that finds and locates a specific computer.    As I mentioned my laptop works wonderfully through all this.  I suspect that the fixes I got for it from Verizon about a month ago solved the issue. If I ever get a callback from the engineer I talked to, I'll let you know.


 Sure would be nice if Verizon put out some kind of message to customers and their support people on this issue.

Contributor - Level 1

You don't set the computer to a specific channel, you set the LC11 to a specific channel. Log in to with a browser and the WiFi password, go to the Network settings, click the WiFi tab and you will find a channel selector.


Thanks for the directions on setting channels.  Mine is still set to "Auto".


Spent an hour on the phone with tech support again today and person I got tried a different tack.


Tech guy thought that my three devices with three different operating systems and security cards were getting confused.  Solution was to turn off security on the network and disable broadcast of the SSID.  This was a multi-step process.  I'll see how it works for awhile.  If it works OK, I'll send you the instructions.


If I still have problems, I'll try setting the channel.


Very VERY bad idea to disable security on a hotspot unless you like high phone bills!  Disabling broadcasting of ssid is a very weak attempt at hiding your hotspot as anyone can easily sniff it out.  Once sniffed out..leach on since no security and as such rack up your bill when you go over your data alotment.   It IS true that putting security on a wireless network CAN cause issues at times...even possibly slow down a connection but that is few and far between.  What I would suggest would be to use a weaker (but still better than nothing) security protocol...aka going from wpa to wep.  I've often found that when I've had wireless issues..whether it be with my hotspot, laptop, wii, ps3, what have lowering my security protocol that can help if not eleviate my problems. 


Thanks to Xsiveldling and PDCLarry for attempting to help, but nothing worked -- system does not work in my location.  If anybody else lives in an area like mine (lots of tall trees and hills), you may have the same frustrating problem.


I asked Verizon to start a trouble ticket to their engineers back on July 28,  Last nite got call from Verizon rep with status.


 Net result of the whole process was Verizon stated that the SCH-LC11 would not work at my home because of low signal strength.  I  Verizon rep canceled contract without early termination fee, but refused to refund me what I've spent on the device.  I thought that was a very poor resolution.  They admit it will not work, then they should refund all of what I paid.  PS: rep would not send me an email saying it doesn't work or give me the address of their legal department -- great customer relations.


I agree with Xsiveldling that turning off network security is not the way to go and did reestablish my network security at a WPA-PSK level, and unfortunately disconnect problems returned.    I also set my channel to "3" rather than "Auto", but that didn't work either.  I continually had one or two of my 3 computers/printers randomly disconnect while the other(s) stayed connected.


For anybody else with the same problem my trouble ticket number was {edited for privacy}






I have had similar disconnecting issues on my SCH-LC11.  The device will stop working for TCP connections, however, I can still get into the web interface on the device, and ICMP out to the Intenet works.  I am thinking my issues are either a problem with the NAT within the SCH-LC11, or perhaps on Verizon's Carrier Grade NAT system (i.e. my device does not get a real internet IP, it get's a private RFC 1918 IP instead).


I have only had this issue on 4G LTE, but to be fair, I have not really tested it on 3G.


Power cycling the device also sometimes has weird behavior, I seem to hang the device sometimes.  I may have a defective unit (or perhaps the device itself is fundamentally flawed).


P.S.  I use a Macbook Pro and I have upgraded the firmware on the Samsung to EC31.




Well I can only commiserate.  I experience similar hangs and spurious disconnects. From what I see the cell network seems to be the source of the hangs and the wireless side causes the disconnects.  Does anyone have experience using their PC's on the Verizon network but with a different device to compare to?  I've thought about just trying a USB BB device and moving it from computer to computer but wonder if that would be any better.  Ken

Contributor - Level 1

dudley wrote:

Well I can only commiserate.  I experience similar hangs and spurious disconnects. From what I see the cell network seems to be the source of the hangs and the wireless side causes the disconnects.  Does anyone have experience using their PC's on the Verizon network but with a different device to compare to?  I've thought about just trying a USB BB device and moving it from computer to computer but wonder if that would be any better.  Ken

I have the same problem with my LC11, even when it is at a fixed location. Verizon replaced the device once and the battery twice. I also have an associate with a USB modem and he has the same problem on 4G, and it does not maintain a connection switching between 3G and 4G.


Larry thanksfor the info.  I'll be contacting their support this week to see what they can do. Maybe they will want to replace the Samsung, I don't know.   If I can get the USB BB device on a 14 day trial I'll give it a go anyhow.  Ken
