Strange 3G performance with VL600 on Mac OS

I've been mystified by the signal strength indication for the VL600 as shown by VZAM on Mac OS 10.6.6.  I have a cell signal repeater at home (Wilson SignalBoost DT) which does a great job boosting signal for my GSM phone, but yields no improvement to VL600 3G signal reception, despite the fact that both devices are in the 1900 MHz band (note, we have no 4G coverage in this location).  Furthermore, when I put the VL600 on my laptop and drive around the area, including right up to the cell tower, the indicated signal strength shows no change.  I get two bars of indicated EV-RevAe 3G signal strength no matter where I am in this area.  The connection drops frequently at home, however.


I'm not sure I believe the software is telling the truth.  I suspect there are hardware/software bugs in the way VZAM (Mac OS) handles the VL600 3G signal.


I can also verify the same VZAM lockup when the Mac goes through a sleep cycle, as mentioned in a prior post.


Has anyone else noticed similar strange behavior with the 3G signal (and maybe found a reason or fix)?

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