UMW 190 Dormancy Problems (Vista (64-bit) & Windows 7 (64-bit))

I have windows vista-64 bit my UMW 190 modem keeps going dormant. I had a tech walk me through some trouble shooting, he never called me back. I still have the same problem, it uses time each time I connect but freezes up, won't full load my pages. I recently tried it out on a windows 7 machine and I'm still having the same problem.


I have tried the following options: step by step.


  1. Updating software including firmware etc...
  2. Re-activating device
  3. UN-installing software VZAccess Manager
  4. Re-installing software VZAccess Manager
  5. Re-activating device
  6. Updating of software including firmware etc...

Can anybody give me some more suggestions, or is replacement the only option left ?

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