USB551L - Internet disconnects constantly

I've had the USB1L since September 2012, using it in Las Vegas. Was using an older Toshiba Satellite laptop, didn't have much of a problem connecting, but was not working online as much as recently. In Feb 2013 I purchase a new laptop - Toshiba Satellite with Windows 8. Needed it to re-do a website faster...

Since then, I have had nothing but DISCONNECTS. I finally began a log of the disconnects and restarts... from Mar 7, 2013 to today (April 1, 2013) there have been 42 disconnects. One time I was online to pay my Verizon bill - how ironic is that?

I've restarted over 20 times, not counting shutting down at night.

Each time it disconnects, I spent lots of time doing various things to re-connect: close VZAM, unplug modem, close ALL programs, and finally learned nothing works but restarting. That means I must make notes of what I am doing and what I planned to do.

I've called tech support numerous times, but did not keep a log of those calls. I've spent hours on the phone, on hold, waiting for help, doing what the tech suggests, from uninstalling VZAM to whatever.

I have finally had enough and am not calling tech support again. Two tech supports said they would call me to make sure it was working, but that happened only once. I was given a credit of $20.00 on my bill, but that does not even begin to cover the amount of time I've spent on this whole fiasco.

It appears from a search online (yes, I was able to stay online long enough to do that), the USB551L has had problems since it was released in 2011. Lots of "fixes" are posted at many websites, mostly things the Verizon techs have had me do.

I am thoroughly disgusted with this. I realize I am just one drop in the ocean of Verizon customers and whether I have a good experience with them is not a priority.

I will be thinking and searching for what my options are for the next week or so. If anyone has an idea of how to handle this problem to a mutually agreeable solution for customers & company, I will be happy to listen.


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3 Replies

same problems here with disconnecting.  i can see the tower about a mile away if that far and i cannot keep a connection, times range from 11 seconds to several minutes, however when it is on for several minutes, nothing happens, just when it starts to work or send/receive signals, then it unhooks its self.  i commercial fish and get better use from 40 miles at sea.  only 2 g though but that works, as i come in toward shore, a 3g signal starts up and it switches between the two but hangs up to do so.  here in town i even get down to a 2 g connection at times and the same switching occurs.  and i can see the tower as i mentioned before.  oh, right now i have an antenna hooked up and a signal booster on things and still only get 2 bars but that doesn't matter with the other 2g and 3g connections, i get a full 4 bars but it hangs up constantly too.  mine works better at night sometimes.  one can be 50 miles out at sea and get internet with a $30 or $40 wallmart phone and plan.  better than i can do with all the big bucks they want for this service i get now. 

bottom line, they will have to do something to fix it or i'm out of here.  i pay for a service which i do not get.  that would void any contract.  the performance they agree to provide isn't met.  end of contract.  good luck all who have this same problem. 

Customer Service Rep

orjoey, let's hook your wireless connection and keep it. I recommend that you remove the USB551L from your laptop or desktop. You will also need to remove the connection from your device and initiate a new connection. This is a soft reset. For more device support, click

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already have hooked it up direct drive so to speak, nothing between the computer and it.  nope did not help then.  i have alway had trouble with the software that comes with these.  my old 3g one did the same thing so i used the very first program i ever had to hook up with and never did drop a call so to speak.  it always work fine until 4g was turned on a couple months ago and it quit working so went to the 4g modem.  not a good move it appears.  the phone shop here in town are ordering me a router i guess it is, take the verizon software out of the picture anyhow and should help.  i can keep the program open while i am trying to do something and i see it switch between all 3 like 2g, 3g and the new improved 4g that doesn't work either.  just back and forth and it unhooks when it does that too.  when trying to work and open something, i have to start all over again with the download again.  burns up my allotted usage or the month that way and i don't get a thing out of it.  sometimes it takes 10 minutes or more for a signal to come back too.  and i am right in the middle of town, about a mile if that from the new tower, it's just inback of some fir trees from me. 

a side note, i was trying to talk to a repair man about my fish finder that went out and he could hardly understand me because i was cutting out so bad.  that's phone service but a new development too.  others have said i cut out a lot now when we talk. 

now i wonder if this will get to you, looking at the address above.  oh, i clicked on the link you sent and verizon page said that page was no longer there. 

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