USB760 on Vista connects but no internet



I spent hours yesterday at a Verizon store trying to get a USB760 to work wit my Vista laptop.  We also spent hours on the phone with Vzn Support.  I want to use this on the DayPass plan ($15/day when needed) as opposed to the full $60/month.  I only need it 1-2 days per month.


The 760 was recognized as a modem and drivers installed.  Latest version of VZ Access Manager installed fine.  Modem was successfully activated.  Modem connected to Vzn and authenticated.  We connected to the "Get Access" web site and I successfully purchased a day of the Day Pass.  However, I had no internet access.  The CSR could see that a DayPass was purchased and attached to my account, but so far no one has been able to figure out why it won't access the net.  It will access the Verizon QuickAccess web page, but no other web site.  Firewall is not the problem - I disabled it as a test and got the same results.  We tried the 760 stick in the store rep's laptop (Also Vista), and the exact same problem happened.  I know the laptop can connect to the net on public access hot spots, because I was on a Panera wi-fi hotspot earlier in the day.  I also got back home and connected to my wireless router and got on the internet.


I suppose it could be a bad modem, but then why would it successfully connect to the Verizon QuickAccess web site ("get access" tab in VZAccess Manager)?


The CSR finally issued a trouble ticket, and I am supposed to get a call back in the next 2 days.  But I wanted to find out if any one else has had this problem, and has any suggestions.  I need to have this running by Saturday.





- Al

2 Replies
Contributor - Level 1
I had a similar issue attempting to tether a Blackberry Storm to a PC. It was connecting, IP address was properly assigned. However, it was automatically redirecting to some web VZW web page, then erroring out due to a JavaScript problem. It turns out there was a missing feature on the account. Once the CSR found it, added it, things worked perfectly. Maybe this could be the cause?
Thanks for the tip.  Do you happen to remember what that feature was?