Unlimited plans coming soon?

I currently have the 4G LTE for the Mifi and i found out a few weeks ago that Verizon upgraded their towers where i live. I used to only get about 10-100KB/S now i get 1-2MB/S so now i'm downloading allot of stuff. I'm doing like 15GB Data a month now, and my plan is only 10GB a month. So i'm paying 150$ a month. I'm just wandering if anyone knows anything about unlimited plans for Mifi. If its coming out this year or if its coming out at all.

15 Replies

Sorry to tell you this but all carriers have been getting away from the unlimited plans, Verizon discontinued it about a year ago and I really do not see this changing soon or really at all...  You are on a tier plan now so I dont see a grandfather rule in your future and also I dont really think that the Mifi plans ever had a unlimited plan anyway.

I think you are out of luck if you are wanting to change to a unlimited plan now...


Smiley Sad Then i have to wait another 2 years to switch to another Internet provider. Great.


I do not know all the info on the different plans a user may be offered as a coutesy, before you make a decision I would contact the Customer Service department and see if they have other options for you that I am not knowledable of..


Sorry, but I'm seeing billboards and hearing radio adds from different carriers that offer unlimited voice and data. One of the ones I can remember is the plan through Wal Mart. $50 a month.

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The unlimited data plan for mobile broadband devices has been retired since before the first 4G LTE tower was put into service in 2010. Verizon Wireless also stated that anyone with an old 3G broadband unlimited data plan would not be able to grandfather that plan when they upgrade to a 4G LTE broadband device.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Thanks for the update Ann154 because I couldn't remember what was the outcome with the plans but I thought that they was discontinued also..

Enthusiast - Level 3

Actually, unlimited data availability did not end until July 7, 2011, nearly 4 months after the Thunderbolt 4G was launched (March 17th 2011). I got the T'bolt on a one year contract with unlimited data. One year contracts also went the way of the dinosaur on April 17th 2011. I joined on March 19th 2011 with both allowing me to upgrade to a Rezound after 10 months.

     Unfortunately while I have the unlimited data, I now have a 2-year contract. Can I stay with any phone for 2 years hmmmm......ATT (HTC)  Tilt:  one year......Blackberry Storm: -a truly horrible phone- 9 months, Htc Evo:  9 months -love it though-; Htc Thunderbolt 10 months; Htc Rezound: ????? What happens when the Verizon version of the Quad-core htc phone comes out?

Message was edited by: Wayne <personal information deleted per the TOS>

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator


I believe Ann was speaking of the Air Cards data plans like the Mifi not the mobile devices, their plans have always been different..

Enthusiast - Level 3

Whoops! Mifi is definitely not my domain (so to speak).

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wayne8821212 wrote:

Actually, unlimited data availability did not end until July 7, 2011, nearly 4 months after the Thunderbolt 4G was launched (March 17th 2011). I got the T'bolt on a one year contract with unlimited data. One year contracts also went the way of the dinosaur on April 17th 2011. I joined on March 19th 2011 with both allowing me to upgrade to a Rezound after 10 months

That was the smartphone data plan that was retired on July 7, 2011.  The mobile broadband data plans are entirely different "animals".  I am not sure exactly when the unlimited broadband data plan was phased, but I do know that it wasn't available when the first 4G LTE USB modem was released at the end of 2010.

I got the Tbolt on a one year contract too a week before the one year contract was retired too.  Yet I since gotten the Nexus and I still have an upgrade available.  I am well aware of when the different plans and options were changed in 2011.  In fact, I still want the $30 NE2 discount that I should have gotten in July 2011, but didn't thanks to a "little thing" called a "trust market".

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Sorry but is all about the $$$$$. Verizon isn't interested in what we want only about how much they can get out of us.


nbargolf wrote:

Sorry but is all about the $$$$$.

You do realize this they are a business and understand it is clear that they are into it to make money?

Enthusiast - Level 1

I think Verizon make big mistake to stop Unlimited data plan for Mobile HotSpot . Plus Verizon do not transfer existing Unlimited plan from one name to other . I have friend he have contract with Verizon for Hot Spot Unlimited Data plan , he don't need this contract any more , so I try take over his contract ,but Verizon say , sorry we can't transfer , only available 5G or 10G plan . I ask them why , why Verizon can't transfer this contract to my name , green dollars still green dollars , from my friend or from me what it difference ? , but they said , sorry we can't , that it . So what gone happen next , I will go to BostMobile and get from them Unlimited Data Plan for $50, or from Clear Wire , my friend will be cancel his contract , so Verizon will gone lose 2 customer , me and my friend . But how many more people will do same things ??? I think many people. Yes , Verizon has best network , BostMobile off course do not have same cover area like Verizon , but all about money , by they time more and more people will switch to smaller Mobile providers , and if they smart , they will invest more money in they system to cover more areas , and very soon will be same network like Verizon , and after that Verizon will start lose money , people will start switching to other provider which give better plans , unlimited plans with same Network and coverage areas .

Other things , Verizon try push people to 4G , but in my area 4G do not work , why I need pay for 4G if this service do not work ?. Before they start pushing people to 4G , they have to make work 4G same as 3G , and then push people to 4G.

Let's see what will be happen next few years if Verizon do not change .


Art123USA wrote:

I think Verizon make big mistake to stop Unlimited data plan for Mobile HotSpot . Plus Verizon do not transfer existing Unlimited plan from one name to other .  , I will go to BostMobile and get from them Unlimited Data Plan for $50, or from Clear Wire , my friend will be cancel his contract , so Verizon will gone lose 2 customer , me and my friend . But how many more people will do same things ??? 

Boost Mobile and Clear is basically the same service because Boost is part of Sprint and Sprints Wimax service is supplied by Clear... I have customers with Clear and Verizon and they wont compare their service to my Verizon Hotspot connection.

I look at all transactions on a customer and business side, I do not expect a company to commit their resources to supply a service and then give it away, the golden rule applies to so many things "You get what you pay for", if you want something for little to nothing or free you should expect equal quality of product.   Also to consider a company would transfer a service from one user to another isn't realistic in any aspect, I haven't seen any company that makes this a regular practice.

Ajyl wrote:

Sorry, but I'm seeing billboards and hearing radio adds from different carriers that offer unlimited voice and data. One of the ones I can remember is the plan through Wal Mart. $50 a month.

If you compare the quality of service the carriers that you are considering you basically sacrifice price for quality of service...  You have your choice of what you choose but for me Verizon is the only carrier that has the quality of service that has been worth my money at this time..


You are right and when I renew, I will find a BUSINESS that doesn't try and suck their customers dry.
