
I do hope someone shut down the ugrade, and fired the engineer who didnt make anything to restore the  drivers, During the install as the generic drivers are installed, you will get an error 1720, some that the install package is missing a script, after that your moden portion of you USB760 will no long be there in the device manager, the usb mass storage and the files to install remain, try to uninstall the generic mobile drivers you will get the same when you use add/remove programs.  novatel driver clean up tool , same problem, uplug plug, doesnt matter, cant get the  drivers back. we would need a install list of the drivers that are installed to remove them mannually, and the previous driver to reinstall,

 Fast action is need ASAP, lots of people are going to have a dead data / air card.

2 Replies

Good luck with this one. I've been battleing this for 3 weeks myself.{please keep your posts courteous} at verizon want me to call microsoft. Typical **bleep** from them... It's not on there step by step list, so it's someone elses fault.


I'll never own a Verizon piece of crap again!!!! I just hope I can get the last remenants of their junk off my machine without having to  go back to factory settings.

I also had this problem. I uninstalled everything on my laptop that had anything to do with the VZMgr. So that left me with nothing. This was at the advice of the tech I was talking to for an hour. She left me on hold to call Microsoft and the phone disconnected and she did not call back. So I called again and got another tech. The first lady didn't put anything on the screen re. Microsoft and the new guy said that calling Microsoft was not "part of their job". He and I tried everything known to man trying to install VZaccess Mgr and nothing worked. He was also a "computer guy" and he really did work with me to try and resolve this issue. End result - I have to re-install windows 7!! So now I do not have the Mgr installed on the phone but at least I can still hook up to the internet using the MiFi. But do I need the Mgr for some reason if I can still connect? I don't use the device outside the home so hooking up to WiFi is not a problem. At least now I know that I am not the only one with this problem and that it is not caused by something wrong with my laptop. That is reassuring. But how is this going to be resolved? VZISCRAP - what do you mean about getting all their junk off my machine? I hate to sound dumb but your computer? Or are you talking about the MiFi? Sorry but I got confused. (I was getting mad all over again thinking about talking to those techs ! ) You are right about it not being on their step by step list because each tech read off the same thing in the exact same order after asking me the exact same question. Geez can't they think for themselves? Hope someone comes up with a solution but.... Joanne