Verizon Wirless 4GLTE for Tarboro, North Carolina Edgecombe and Rocky Mount NC Nash/Edgecombe
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hello Verizon Wireless!

Could you please tell me when the release date for 4GLTE for Tarboro and Rocky Mount which is in Edgecombe and Nash County in North Carolina? Because, 4GLTE has service in Pitt County which is the next county from us which is Greenville, North Carolina and it seems like to me that Verizon should be working on our towers to upgrade to 4GLTE since Greenville has all their towers upgraded to 4GLTE. I am really serious about this, I think Verizon should ahead and upgrade our cell towers to 4GLTE since the next county from us has been upgraded. If anyone reads this message please share your comments on what you think about this, because we need more people that's even near this area to let Verizon Wireless know how much we need 4GLTE in our area this month or next month. Thanks so much for your time.


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This is a customer peer to peer forum here so no one knows what expansion plans are in store for your area.

That being said, Verizon Wireless has stated that they plan to complete the the 4G LTE build-out by the end of 2012.  So sometime between now and then is when you should get upgraded to the 4G LTE network.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
