What does the Green SYS LED light indicate?
Enthusiast - Level 3

Verizon seems to have totally flaked out on addressing this question! I found a reference to a knowledge base article URL which comes up 404 (i.e. not there) and a couple of posts asking about the same issue.

We have a Samsung network extender. I just rebooted our router (a Linux dual-interface computer) and the SYS LED on our network interface came up GREEN after the reboot. Everything seems to be working normally, but the GREEN LED isn't documented anywhere and I'm sure it's an indicator of a condition which might be useful for us to know about or of something of which we should be aware. I didn't just fall of the turnip truck, and have a lot of professional experience in IT, so an answer of the form "We're sorry you're experiencing problem ..." is a no-go.

So what's the story on the GREEN LED????   Someone with some knowledge about this please give me some intelligent feedback. Thanks!

1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 3

GersonGnVZWZW, I'm afraid I'm rather ahead of you on this. I've already done some research and answered the question myself. It looks as if the definitive table of LED colors and their meanings on the Samsung network extender is at Meaning of LED Status Indicators - Verizon Wireless Network Extender - 1X/EvDO/Business | Verizon Wi... rather than at the simplified page at Meaning of LED Status Indicators on the Verizon Wireless Network Extender | Verizon Wireless which is prettier but contains much less information. This is the page that Verizon Customer Support was sending people to for answers, including me and the question of the green SYS LED isn't addressed there.

Please see my post at Green SYS LED on Samsung NE explained and follow the links therein. If my explanation as set forth in this post is incorrect, or needs to be expanded, please feel free to comment on it and expand or correct it, but at this point I seem to know more about the subject than the Verizon customer support people who have weighed in on the question. Why the first "Meaning of LED Status Indicators" page wasn't known to Verizon customer support staff, as it apparently wasn't to you, is perhaps the greater mystery here Smiley Happy

And no, the SYS LED light hasn't always been green. I thought that my post above made it clear that it came up green after a reboot of my router. Prior to that, all lights were blue. I apologize if I didn't make this clear.

And if my response, posted at Green SYS LED on Samsung NE explained answers my question please click th�CorrectcAnswer�r� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation.

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Lindsayinleander, we want to make sure that we provide you with all the answers to your questions. I apologize that the webpage you were looking for is no longer available, let's work together on finding out why the SYS LED is green. Has the SYS LED light always been green? Has it ever been blue or any other color?

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If my response answered your question please click th�CorrectcAnswer�r� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

GersonGnVZWZW, I'm afraid I'm rather ahead of you on this. I've already done some research and answered the question myself. It looks as if the definitive table of LED colors and their meanings on the Samsung network extender is at Meaning of LED Status Indicators - Verizon Wireless Network Extender - 1X/EvDO/Business | Verizon Wi... rather than at the simplified page at Meaning of LED Status Indicators on the Verizon Wireless Network Extender | Verizon Wireless which is prettier but contains much less information. This is the page that Verizon Customer Support was sending people to for answers, including me and the question of the green SYS LED isn't addressed there.

Please see my post at Green SYS LED on Samsung NE explained and follow the links therein. If my explanation as set forth in this post is incorrect, or needs to be expanded, please feel free to comment on it and expand or correct it, but at this point I seem to know more about the subject than the Verizon customer support people who have weighed in on the question. Why the first "Meaning of LED Status Indicators" page wasn't known to Verizon customer support staff, as it apparently wasn't to you, is perhaps the greater mystery here Smiley Happy

And no, the SYS LED light hasn't always been green. I thought that my post above made it clear that it came up green after a reboot of my router. Prior to that, all lights were blue. I apologize if I didn't make this clear.

And if my response, posted at Green SYS LED on Samsung NE explained answers my question please click th�CorrectcAnswer�r� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation.