Where do you use your Broadband Mobile Device?

I use mine in my living room on a laptop. I am 1/4 mile from the nearest tower. I was told by tech support that Verizon does not guarantee it to work indoors. I was told to take my laptop outside to use it. I am constantly connected with Nation Access instead of Mobile Broadband. It is so slow!!!!!!!!!!


Also just a side note I watched my Mother Verizon cell phone yesterday. As we passed the next closest tower her bars started going down as we got closer to this one  until she had no service on her phone at all.


Does anyone think that it could be a problem with the tower?

5 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

So what happens when you use your MB device outdoors? Do you get EVDO/3G signal? Does your mom's cell phone get EVDO signal strength indoors at your home?


Are you certain that the cell tower 1/4 mile away from you is used by VZW? Is that what the tech told you? Even if it's a VZW tower, EVDO coverage is not everywhere. However, VZW should have prequalified your coverage for Broadband service before it sold you the card. You can check Broadband coverage here.


It's true that VZW can't guarantee service indoors due to building and construction materials that interfere with radio signals. Did the tech have you update the PRL (preferred roaming list) of your adapter?


Provided it's a VZW cell tower that offers EVDO service, and it makes no difference when you step outside, then yes, I would say it's either a tower/network issue or a hardware issue (your MB adapter). Can you use your MB service elsewhere away from this cell tower and get EVDO signal?


Using outdoors is no change. Mother gets nothing now.


The towers were put around the first of last year. They are both Verizon, I know the lady that leases the property for the one closest to me. I've helped her with her taxes with the Verizon lease. The one on her property was turned on around March and the one about 6 miles from me just before hers. Mom switched from AT&T because of the towers. I was with her when she went into the store a few weeks after getting her phone. They sold me on the wireless internet because of the new towers.


Mom's cell phone would work so good at my house and hers, indoors and out. I decide to give this a try. It worked great from April until Sept. then it stopped working so great. I was told multiple lighting strikes had messed the tower up and it was being repaired. Now I keep being told the tower is fixed but things are not getting any better. I think I must be getting a signal from the tower 6 miles away.


They have sent me a new device, have had me change all kinds of settings. I have not use my computer away from home. I was told by Verizon to take my laptop to the store and have them check it. They told I had to take it to a store that is over 30 miles from my home. The store closest to my home wasn't one I could take it too. When I got there they had no clue why they would have sent me there.


I've got nothing but a run around.



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Drive to some other part of town in reasonable proximity to other Verizon towers.  If it doesn't work then, you know it's your computer or your USB760.  If it does work, then you know the problem is the tower near your house.  In that case, you might want to cancel your service and request no ETF.

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I use mine in my house, mother-in-law's house, beach house, and in the car.  It works great everywhere.  I plug the USB760 into a CradlePoint router with an antenna plugged into the USB760.  If reception is not as good as needed, I put the antenna in the window on the side of the house facing the cell tower.
