Will 3G mobile plans come down in price once 4G takes full effect?
I have the Verizon MiFi 2200 Mobile Hotspot, 5GB/$50 plan. I see that prices are identical for Verizon's 4G mobile hotspots. Can someone tell me why? Shouldn't 3G plans be cheaper since they're getting slower Internet? I understand we're both paying for data, but when you look at Verizon's fios plans, you pay a premium for speed. What are your thoughts?
3 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

verizon's data plan prices are very inconsistent, and make absolutely no sense from a value for dollar standpoint. E.G., $35 buys you 3 Gi on a 3G tablet but $39.99 on a netbook buys you only 250 MEG (grandfathered plan). At the moment 4G and 3G prices are the same mainly because they haven't worked out th details of new 4G pricing plans yet but this is expected to change sometime this summer when LTE phone rollouts begin in earnest and more LTE buildout is deployed.

Specialist - Level 1

4G data prices are lower because they want you to buy 4g equiptment..


I see what you all are saying. I guess I'm just whining 'cuz I want mobile prices to come down some! Where I live, I have two choices. High speed Verizon Wi-Fi, or slow dial up. $50/5GB is, in my opinion, a lot of money for not a lot of data considering the Fios plans are about the same price, the same or a little faster speed, and you get unlimited data. I really have to monitor my data use to make sure I keep it below 5GB's a month, which means, no streaming anything to my Apple TV (I kind of wasted money on that one!), and no YouTube or really any streaming video on my laptop for that matter. You really need to have cable internet and hook it up to a router if you want to stream video to Apple TV, because most video's streamed using Netflix will eat up over 1GB. I guess the 2 points I'm trying to make are, 1) I'm cheap, and 2) Mobile broadband is too expensive! LOL
