creating a profile for vpn use in vz access manager

How do I create a profile for the VPN in vz access manager? We use NetMotion and I've loaded it on the laptop. VZ access manager VPN tab finds NetMotion as a VPN but requires a profile. At this point, I do  not have a profile and need to create one but have never done this before. What is involved in creating a profile?


We have a critical application that requires NetMotion to be operational in order to use the application but it also needs to auto start NetMotion as it starts up and connects Access Manager.

Re: creating a profile for vpn use in vz access manager
Contributor - Level 3


If you are connecting to your corporation's network using VPN (Virtual Private Networking) and your corporation uses proxies, then you would need the correct proxy settings to be able to access the Internet. For exact details on the proxy settings needed when accessing your corporate network, contact your corporate network technical support department if you need additional assistance.

The VPN profile should be set up through the NetMotion application. 

You can also set up a VPN profile though your  web browser.  If you are using Internet Explorer, you would go to tools, then internet options, and  then connections.    Then you would go to add, then Connect to a private network thought the Internet
(Create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection or tunnel the internet) , and type the host name or Internet Protocol (IP) address to which you are connecting.  Then name the connection, then click finish and save it in the network connections folder. 

When you open VZ Access manager, you would then enter in the profile you just created under the VPN settings.