odd question

This is kind of an odd question. 


We have a webcam that we would like to stream video to.  We have the wiring in, and it runs into our network.  The problem is that the network is rather complicated and for some reason the signal from the web camera is getting lost. We need to know if it is an issue with the camera itself or with the network.


And I was thinking to myself, here we also have this verizon netbook with mobile broadband.  If I could plug the webcam / ethernet system into the netbook and could get an internet signal, then I would know the problems we are having are an issue with the network and not the camera.  At which point the solution would be to just get a second independent fios line.


So the question is this... is there any way to treat the netbook kind of like a router.  Plug an ethernet cable in, install some software, forward a couple of ports and that is pretty much it.  It really doesn't matter if it runs slow or not, because this is just about testing some systems.



1 Reply
Contributor - Level 3


Using the netbook for the configuration you are requesting is not supported. Only hotspot devices support a similar setup to a router. Examples of these devices would be the following:

HTC Droid Incredible
Motorola Droid 2
Motorola Droid R2D2
Motorola Droid X
Palm Pixi
Palm Pre
Samsung Fascinate
MiFi 2200 Intelligent Hotspot
