wireless help needed

I just installed a zboost signal amplifier in my home. It helped my cell phone signal but it didn't help the mifi2200 digital signal. Any ideas?   Thanks

2 Replies

I've also been trying to find out if a zboost unit would help the MiFi, so am very interested to hear what you find out!


Specifically, I'm trying to figure out whether whether to get a USB760 modem (with external antenna port) + Netgear 3G router, or a MiFi2200 + zboost extender.  Either way, I plan on connecting up to a high gain directional antenna outside with some high quality, low loss antenna cable.


Regarding your question, what I've been able to piece together is that the Verizon 3G data feed comes from the "EV" signal, and that voice comes from the "1X" signal. What is your EV signal strengh outside (where you put the external antenna of the zboost)?  If you don't have at least some baseline EV signal outside, then the zboost isn't going to help your data modem connection inside.


Assuming that you are getting at least some EV signal outside, you might want to look into getting a better external antenna for the zboost -- like a directional YAGI antenna....I've been looking at the Wilson 301111 model for ~$60.


Also, it sounds like its very important to have at least 15' of vertical separation between the external zboost antenna and the main zboost unit inside.


Hope that helps.  Please let me know what you find out.  thx!


I also found some really good info at the EVDO Signal Enhancers with Antennas & Amplifiers forum, including a link to the Repeater FAQ


Also, from reading a bunch of customer reviews on amazon, it sounds like the inside range of the zboost is pretty limited.....like you need to be in the same room as the zboost base unit in order for it to work.

