wireless internet coverage

Hi, Verizon Guys. Do you guys cover Sacramento,CA,[edit] area for wireless internet service?AT&T covers it very poorly. I'm a greedy  AT$T customer.I bought contract april,2008 for 2years but  AT$T drops connection very often. They said AT&T 's speed is fast but AT$T drops it's connection much faster. It last 2,4,10 seconds sometimes it last  more than 4 hours specially 2:00 AM when not many people are on internet. Fast speed is good but without right coverage it is useless. AT&T Tech told me to buy antenna for air card. Sierra Nevada wireless,AT&T recommend it, didn't have it, they don't even have store in USA.AT$T didn't cover enough area,SAcramento, capitol city of callifonia. 20 months passed since I bought 2 years contract but they didn't improve service coverage. Consumer are still suffering.Do you guys cover my home ? I use my laptop at library by WI-Fi. I never finished watching one movie on internet cause AT$T keeps drop connection even I have Netflix  membership. Please let me know if you guys cover my home.  P.S. You can use my case for your AD, free!!!


{edited for privacy}

1 Reply
Not applicable

You should look at the coverage map on the Verizon website or call Verizon customer service.  This is a customer user forum.
