There has to be a more productive way of handling these IMG issues.
Contributor - Level 2

I'm not sure how anyone else here feels about this, but I think it's exhausting to keep seeing the same complaints about the new IMG TV guide listing over and over again despite suggestions on how to resolve the problem which have been posted so many times.  I stopped answering those posts because so often, my suggestions which have worked for me have been disregarded and skipped over. I truly could care less what other people do or don't do or if they take suggestions or not.  It just seems so self-defeating because why would anyone want to reach out for help and then turn down the help that is given?

I've been finding a lot of good information here to be sure that my little "home entertainment center" is up to date and I think that's very productive.  But what I wonder at times is whether these forums are only a place for people to vent and go on and on without doing anything about the problem or if these forums really a place to get some support and come to a resolution of whatever the problem is.  I have voiced my opinions too but I would think that the latter is more important.

I think that in general, people need to move on instead of dwelling on these changes and treating these changes like a huge injustice because that doesn't solve anything.  I don't understand this whole mentality of taking these changes and updates so personally like it's an attack.   

So here is a suggestion on how to make this potentially more productive for people who come here posting about these IMG issues for the first time:  Instead of just having a folder set aside for more discussions and debates about the new TV Guide Listing, why not have a folder that people can immediately access, which has all of the suggestions and troubleshooting steps that should be taken, i.e. making sure that your TV is the HD flatscreen and that your STB is at least a 7100 series? 

4 Replies
Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

Thank you for your suggestion.  We will pass it along to the admin team.

Contributor - Level 2

Great!  I've just been getting the impression too that many people posting about this are doing so for the first time without seeing or taking the time to read about how other people like myself have gone about resolving the issue.  


This is a very good suggestion.

HOWEVER: If you go to the top of several of the Boards here, such as the FiOS TV Technical Assistance or FiOS Internet, you will find a Frequently Asked Questions topic already stickied at the top (sometimes buried in far, far too many topics stickied at the top Smiley Very Happy ). Your sugestion is exactly what those topics were intended for. Unfortunately they have not been updated in forever (FiOS TV one since Feb. 2010 for example!) These topics were created as a result of suggestions by several of us here, the idea I think was great, the implementation was not done well. Just two small examples; I suggested that the FAQ topics should always appear in bold, even if you have previously viewed them, to draw attention to them, plus of course they should be the very first one in the list, at the very top, in every topic area. Plus of course to be useful they need to be kept up to date.

For this to work:

1) People need to suggest to the Administrators here what topics should be in them (they aren't magicians, they need help in figuring out what topics should be included).

2) People need to provide the Administrators here with the specific content, as the Administrators and Moderators are not technical people. And I think there would need to be some peer review process before posting to make sure the technical content is accurate.

3) The customers who come here must actually click on the thread. One of the things that just bugs me to death here is that virtually nobody who comes here does a search before the make a post, be it their first post or their 1000th. I don't know why, the search function is available, and works reasonably well, but obviously nobody (or almost nobody) bothers to use it. I have suggested to the Administrators several times over the last six months that the forums could/should be changed to require the entry of at least one keyword any time a user creates a new thread, and that the system then automactically use that keyword to do a search and provide a response with a list of topics found using that keyword. I think that would help the poster to find the answer to their question quickly, reduce the duplication of topics, or at least hopefully help confine most of the whining about a specific topic to one thread. So far the only response, other than some support from some of the other Community Leaders (CLs) here, has been sort of a "maybe some time in the future." There does not appear to be any sense of urgency on this, which is of course disappointing to me.

Anyway, you are right on, something needs to be done.

Edit to add: There is also a Frequently Asked Questions board all by itself here:

Again, unfortunately most of the entries are way out of date. I suspect this is never visited; maybe whatever content may still be valid should be moved to the appropriate FAQ thread in each of the appropriate Boards, and then this board deleted. Just a thought.....

FiOS TV, Internet, and phone user
QIP7232, QIP7100-P2, IMG 1.9A
Keller, TX 76248

Contributor - Level 2

Those are all excellent points you made, Justin.  You're very observant.  You just reminded me of the very reason I often can't rely on the FAQs because they're not updated.  But time will tell.

I think it's very good though that we're able to just log onto our PCs from home to find information quickly about questions and problems with electronics issues.  The dialog I've had here with you and other users has been extremely informative and it's nice how I came away with information about other things in addition to what I originally wanted to know.  It's too bad more people don't take advantage of that because even without having a separate folder with troubleshooting tips for the IMG, that's cutting off an opportunity to resolve the problem.  So often, people just know what they want when they want it and if they don't get it, it's like the end of the world and I think that's unfortunate.  But perhaps, as you suggested, directing new users to a separate updated FAQ list can cut back on that and/or avoid a lot of the duplication of the same post.