Undo solution solved?

Master - Level 1

Sometimes users will mark the wrong "solution" to a question they asked. Like this thread-->HERE. The user should have marked my post, instead they marked their own post instead by mistake that says "thanks.another good day.....". Is there any way to change this? Can we report it to the mods & they'll change it? 

6 Replies
Contributor - Level 3


I see what you were referring to.  I have had that happen to me a few times.  I'll have to check and see, perhaps if the OP sent a private message to an admin of the forums asking for a correction to be made, it could be made.  Good point you made though.  It will help users find the correct answer to a problem in a thread by going straight to the answer, especially if it is a long thread.


Master - Level 1

I have had it happen to me quite a few times.  That is why I mentioned it. I think that it is a problem. The administration,employees,mods,some community members want you to press the "solution solved" and that is good. But kinda pointless and useless if the person marks the wrong post. I don't want to annoy the mods every time this happens,but it may just result to that. I am wondering though too, do the mods have the ability to change the solution solved??

Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

Moderators can only change an accepted solution via PM request from the OP of the thread.

Master - Level 1

@KaLin wrote:

Moderators can only change an accepted solution via PM request from the OP of the thread.

Bummer. However I reported two post/thread to a mod 2 times so far where the person marked the wrong post as solution solved. Mine was supposed to be marked. Please check your Private Message Inbox. It should look like this -->>

If the mods won't continue to fix it if I report it or anyone else does, can this issue ever be fixed? Regardless of the original poster reporting it.   Like I said before....pointless & useless if the person marks the wrong post. What good will it do for others trying to seek help? 


awesome response and you're right for every problem a solution does exist, one just has to be persistant or my favorite i am relentless in my pursuit of what i need or want.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks for the quote about persistence.  I was on the brink of giving up trying to get VZW to take responsibility for "misinformation" their CSR gave me about the cost of my plan.  Thanks to you, I'm going to be like the widow in the Bible who persisted in petitioning an evil judge to give her justice.  She was so persistent, she wore out the evil judge, and he gave her what she wanted!
