Can't login to forums? Try this.
Champion - Level 1

I don't know why this is, but I've not been able to login to the forums directly for 2 days now.  None of the forum sign-in methods work.  Using a PC, and am starting to wonder if there's some kind of emulator running the PC version of the forums, because maybe we're supposed to be accessing the forums only through our mobile devices???  The forums have also gotten even clunkier than ever to use, sometimes taking a few minutes before a thread loads.  It's not my internet connection because I'm using a fully wired cable internet service with close to 400Mbps down all the time and no other websites ever run this slowly for me.

The only thing which has worked for me to login to the forums now is this rather convoluted process below.  Putting it out there in case anyone else has been having the same issue.

1) Go to Verizon's main website and login to my account using the link on the top right.

2) Open a new browser tab and go to Verizon's main website again (because the first tab has my account details in it now).

3) In the second tab, scroll to the bottom of the website and click on the Community Forums link.

4) The forum page appears saying I'm not signed in.

5) Click the Sign In link at the top right of the forums, and after a bit, the forums reload with me signed in!

6) Return to the first tab and sign out of my account so I'm not logged in everywhere at Verizon, and close that tab.


I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
3 Replies

Hi SynthpopAddict,

We are not aware of any system-wide problems with the community.

If I may ask a few questions:

  • Which browser are you using?
  • Have you tried clearing the cache?
  • Any chance you could try another browser?
  • Are you using a VPN?

Let us know when convenient.

Champion - Level 1

I have also tried using a different browser, same login problems.  If it's not something with my forum account, must be the solar flares occurring right now messing up the internet, but no other websites I visit are having trouble.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Champion - Level 1

I use the latest version of Firefox, and have it set to always clear the cache as soon as I close the browser.  Am not on a VPN.  I have "always use private browsing" turned on, but even shutting that off hasn't solved my logon issues.  Have tried resetting my password, which went through successfully as I now have a new password to login to My Verizon, but still cannot login directly to the forums and have to use the process from my earlier post.

With the new forum updates of threaded replies and some extra formatting features, I'm wondering if my forum account somehow got de-linked from my current My Verizon account.  Long story short, I ported out my number at the end of December 2023 for only 4 days before coming back, which closed my prepaid account and revoked all access to anything including the forums.  When I returned, had to get a new prepaid account number and re-register with My Verizon, but my forum username and other forum stats were as if nothing had changed.  Or else it's a recent Firefox update messing things up for me.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.