Email me when someone replies box on forums now hidden
Master - Level 3

The forums have gotten some formatting updates which are useful, but instead of showing the checkbox and "Email me when someone replies" showing all the time in the reply box, there's now a "More Options" link in its place.  Please bring back the visible version of the checkbox, as I know I've seen at least one user saying they did not want to get emailed regarding their forum activity due to their number being under an abusive partner's account and partner's email being associated with said account.

I don't mind the emails myself as they let me keep track of my forum activity, and I certainly spend a good deal of time here, but hiding the email option box is going to confuse some.

PSA: If you do not want any notifications on your forum activity, the best way to turn it all off is to click on your avatar here in the forums, then go to your profile, and turn off all email notifications in your profile settings.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
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