Any reason for VZNavigator with Droid X?

Is there any reason for me to have VZNavigator on my Droid X?  It already has maps and navigators etc. Is there anything that VZNavigator does that cannot be done by the Google maps and nax?



28 Replies

I strongly favor VZ Navigator over Google Maps Navigator (and I am a big google fan). Here are some reasons that I prefer VZ Navigator over Google Maps Navigator:


VZ Navigator:


Provides maps that are easier to follow when driving. The actual map layout is easier to read and other details such as listing/displaying in large font/text your next direction change at the top of the screen/map, such as (Take Exit 16 onto Route 44 in 5.5 miles).


It is easier to run in a mode with an arrow that shows true/planetary North on the map to the side with an arrow symbol, but displays North South East and West as if North is in front of you, East is to the left of you, etc. (By default, google maps navigator displays my car driving downward, toward the bottom of the screen/map, whenever I am traveling South, for instance. In contrast, by default VZ navigator displays my car driving forward, with a symbol indicating that I am driving South, but without actually displaying my car traveling in that direction. In other words, VZ Navigator by default reorients maps for your drive/trip, whereas google maps by default literally shows where you are going on a map.) Perhaps there is any easy way to switch this on Google Maps Navigator, though I could not easily find it.


If you fail to follow the directions, it more quickly, efficiently, accurately, and helpful recalculates routes to get you back on track, in my opinion.


In all of my test runs, VZ Navigator got me where I wanted to go more quickly and easily than Google Maps Navigator. If you want more details, I can try to type them up in another post or a private message.


You can download and install the app for free, though to use it Verizon charges about $10.00 a month, I believe. Totally worth it in my opinion.





I just did a 1000 mile trip with the built in navigator in the X & thought it performed great.  Also, after the hours I've spent trying to correct a problem with the VZ backup assistant I will be very hesitant to use any othe software by VZ.  Not only does the backup assistant perform horribly, but I've spent hours trying to turn it off, disable or uninstall it.  Looks like another reset.  Ridiculous.


no. $10/month for a service you get free? unless you use it ALL of the time then no. i've never used VZN Nav so i can't speek as to which is more accurate/easier to use, etc. however, i use google maps a lot and it's always got me where i need to be by the most direct route. works fine and it's free. if you are willing to drop $120/year then i'd just go all out and get a real nice stand alone navigator.


A good personal navigation device costs much more than $120/year. In addition, like all Verizon monthly services, you can turn the VZ Navigator service on and off any time you like (and Verizon will pro-rate the fee if you turn it off after turning it on for less than one month). If you plan on traveling to places where you are not familiar, or places where the directions could be difficult to follow, I strongly sugggest that you try if not use VZ Navigator. It is awesome. A much better navigation experience (for getting directions that you do not know and being able to follow them with maximum ease, information, and clarity) in everyway.


Please forgive me if I am mistaken in my reasoning, but it seems as though one could use the rationale in AZSALUKI's reply as follows: Any reason for Droid X instead of my three year old iphone? No. My three year old iphone does everything I want it to do quite well. I have never tried out any of the newer phones. But I do not need to do so, since my three year old iphone does everything I want it to do just fine. - So, yes, the analogues here are google maps navigator and a three year old iphone, on the one hand, and VZ Navigator and a Droid X, on the other hand. Not a perfect analogy, though there might be some bit of worthy point behind how I use it.


Planning a trip to a place that you are not familiar with, if you can afford it, I say do yourself a favor and sign up for VZ Navigator (and also download and install the app, which is quick and easy to do). You can always turn the service off right after your trip. However, you might like it enough either to keep the service on or to keep turning it on and off each time you have a trip into unfamiliar territory. 


dsx....actually that's a fine analogy. if my 3 year old device did "everything i want it to" then i would not spend $ on a new device. so if google maps does what you want, don't spend $ on another service.

Master - Level 1



no. $10/month for a service you get free? unless you use it ALL of the time then no. i've never used VZN Nav so i can't speek as to which is more accurate/easier to use, etc. however, i use google maps a lot and it's always got me where i need to be by the most direct route. works fine and it's free. if you are willing to drop $120/year then i'd just go all out and get a real nice stand alone navigator.

I totally agree.People can get google maps which is just like VZN...but even maybe better then VZN.  Best thing about Google maps it is free all the way. 


Contributor - Level 3
I have met people who do like vz navigator more and are just used to it. I guess is just one of the many choices we have with this great phone.

Thank you for all of the replies. I already have VZNavigator. I was wondering if I should keep it. And right now I will keep it because I like it better than the Google one. If Google gets more features and becomes more streamlined then perhaps I'll drop VZNavigator but I do not plan to at the moment. I'm not wealthy by any means but $9.99 a month will not make or break me.


Now one more q - what is the best app for when I want to use the Nav as more of a GPS, ie. for hiking and other walking activities?  Is it one of these, or something else?  There is no shortage of mapping apps in the Market!


I have found Buddy Runner to be a great app for tracking yourself while running/hiking/biking. It has a map tab, as well as the Workout tab that tracks time/distance/pace.




One reason my proposed analogy may pose a problem for your repy/advice is that the Droid X is a much better phone than a three year old iphone, such that many people who can afford it will want to purchase a Droid X after learning about the differences between it and their iphone, instead of just keeping their old iphone. Similarly, I contend (and briefly explain in my posts), that VZ Navigator is a superior app, providing navigation services that are better, easier to follow, and more helpful on a difficult trip than Google Maps Navigator. If correct, this provides a strong reason to use VZ Navigator for trips/directions into unfamiliar areas instead of Google Maps Navigator. In the least, I suggest that the person who started the post, and anyone else interested in receiving the best and most helpful directions during a difficult trip, should at least try VZ Navigator to see how they like it. It really is a terrific app, and a much better navigator than google maps navigator, in my opinion.


VZN and google maps are great but i agree with the previous poster if you want a good gps buy a stand alone device. I got my tomtom and garmin for under 100 bucks each and they are fabulous. 


yeah....IF i was willing to spend $ on navigation that's what i would do as well. it's permanently docked in your car, has a much larger screen, and won't drain your phone's battery....not to mention you can actually take a call if you are using a garmin or any of the others out there. to each his own.


Was just looking through the forums and felt i had to chime in on this.  VZNavigator is better than those TomTom/Garmin devices in many ways.  For one, those devices don't automatically update their maps.  Why does this matter?  Try using a GPS device you bought back in 2007....type in the name of that new restuarant that opened up last year and uh oh.....its not in the database!!!  If you live out in the country this may not happen so much, that mom and pop store thats been there 50 years will show up, but you'll have problems in any city that has had any growth in the past few years.  I've found most GPS devices useless after they're about 2 years old, especially when vacationing.  Every time someone recommended the new restuarant, the new club, i'd have to ask for the address instead of the name because thats the only way the GPS would find it.  and lets face it, most people aren't gonna pay the update fees to keep their GPS devices current, so they usually become obsolete after a year or two. I always ended up dloading the VZ Navigator to get me by.


Navigator also does some things that i don't believe Google Maps does (i might be wrong, haven't used google maps too much yet), like Traffic.  i can think of several occasions where its told me of traffic jams and re-routed me, and once even detected a car accident up ahead and re-routed me.  When i took the new route, i managed to get a glimpse at the accident i just avoided and the cops weren't even there yet!!! 


But, google maps does have one advantage in the fact that its free.  so, i typically use the google maps in and around town if i just need to get somewhere i hadn't heard of before.  Its gotten me to the wrong spot  a few times, but hey, its free.


But anytime i travel to a city i know nothing about, the only GPS i trust is the VZ Navigator


i would think you'd be willing to pay the update fees on a stand alone gps device, if you are willing to pay $10/month for vzn nav? the traffic feature does sound nice though.


I have to disagree...I have used VZNavigator for over a is NOT updated and has very old info.  I was looking for a fabric store for instance...ones that were closed for 3+ years were still ones that have been open for 2+ years were NOT listed.  This is one of the main reasons I upgraded to the Droid X from the LG env3 early...I can have more options and use the web for individual store locators while on the go.


Google Maps DOES have traffic info.  I live in LA and can't survive without traffic updates.  VZ navigator had it as well, but the only thing I miss about VZNav is the updated local gas prices, local entertainment, etc, which G Maps does not have.  Its just not worth 10 bucks a month when I can browse the internet for such things. Plus, VZNav became a pain in the {word filter avoidance} when they udated the version and became impossible to sift through. I was far more inconvenient than the previous edition, which I loved with my ENV Touch.

Specialist - Level 1


akovalcin wrote:

Google Maps DOES have traffic info.  I live in LA and can't survive without traffic updates. 


It does? Is that something you have to turn on when using Navigation?  I used VZ Nav previously on my BB Storm and found the traffic updates were informative, but were often several hours old and irrelevent by the time I passed through the area.


One thing I liked about VZ Nav was the different voices -- I think Michelle was the one I liked the best. Google Maps voice is more robotic and no way to change.


The coolest thing about Google Maps is the satellite layer as you drive.


Checkk again!  TomTom updates their maps quarterly for about $10 per quarter.  Now they are selling select units with lifetime map upgrades included in the price.


Traffic on Google Navigation on the X does have traffic and it is very accurate. What I do not see is a detour function. I have a Garmin for that. And I do update it periodically. I did not like VZ Nav on my blackberry. That's why I did not order it for the X. One would hope it is better on an X. But, since I have a Garmin, I am happy with that, over all it ends up being cheaper.

Contributor - Level 3
I would get vz navigator for this one only reason. Gas price checker... its the only app I have had success with. The rest of the apps suck... but well I save an average of 15 dllrs a month but on the DX its not worth it since google maps is free.