Backup Assistant

I recently switched the HTC Incredible.  In so doing I used BackUp assistant to restore my contacts.  Unfortunately, over the years of syncing from countless phones/smart phones to google/verizon/MS Outlook/backup assistant my contacts have become faulty.


I bought a little program from Droid Market that will find and condense some of the thousands of duplicate contacts in my current contacts list.  However, every time it finishes, backup assistant restores all the deleted contacts.


How can I start over?  I'd like to remove all the contact data stored online and use only the contacts stored on my phone.  How can I do that?





1 Reply
Contributor - Level 2
Hi.  I will be happy to help you with saving only the contacts you want.  Since you have the HTC Incredible, you can login to your Gmail account and on the left side click on "contacts".  Your contacts are automatically stored there.  That way whenever you add a contact on your phone, it will go directly into your Gmail.   When you go into your Gmail account and go to contacts, do you see duplicates?  If not, your contacts are being duplicated using another program.  If they are saved in Google, you can only sync from there instead of using another source.  You can save them on another program if you want, but with the Incredible, you can sync and save from your Gmail contacts only.



Please let me know if you have any other questions.



