Droid 3 is no better than the Droid 2 Global and has many issues!!!

I don't quite understand Verizon's concept of customer service. My husband and I joined Verizon in 2010 with the Droid 2 Global. After many problems with the device and swap out of the device under the warranty both my husband and I per Verizon we were switched to the Droid 3 due to the overwhelming number of issue with the Droid 2 Global with majority of your customers. My husband and I have had the Droid 3 for 8 months roughly and as of Dec. 2011 have been inquiring on solution for similar problems (random restart, phone locks, keyboard isn't working) with the Droid 3 all to be told that we are out of our warranty coverage. Keep in mind this is because you base this not on the date of the current device but from the original purchase date. My original purchase was a Droid 2 and Verizon switched us to the Droid 3, how can you base a one year warranty on a device when it isn't even the same device?! Not to mention Verizon's only solution is ALLOWING me to purchase another phone. My husband and I did nothing to our phones to cause them to not work properly! Why should we incur the cost to fix/replace the defective devices. Your discussion boards have numerous customers complaining about the same issues, clearly this is not an isolated issue and is inconveniencing many! while you may be sorry for the inconvenience you are not providing me with a solution that doesn't cost me additional money for a problem that I didn't create! How is any of this customer service?! How is this a solution other than for Verizon and you make money on top of the deal?! As a customer I DO NOT FIND THIS ACCEPTABLE!!! This solution is only a solution for Verizon and not the customer! As a customer and as the number 1 cell phone provider I expect better solutions and options!

4 Replies
Master - Level 3

Have you searched through the forums, either here or on Android Central, for solutions to your issues, rather than continually asking for replacements? If you've each gone through two phones, don't you think some of your issues are due to user error? Have you done a factory reset on any of your phones? It's inconvenient, but sometimes necessary.


I have searched through the forums and done many factory and soft resets. I totally agree that I thought it was user error until I saw other people are having the same problems.

Specialist - Level 2

verizon gave you TWO free upgrades and you don't agree this is customer service??????????????????????????

I can't even read the rest.. WOW

okey i went back and read it.. thats a known issue with the device, but there is a workaround

go into menu,settings,language and keyboard, multi-touch keyboard. Uncheck next word prediction

I'm also guessing you're iny our late 50s, buy an iphone next time you can upgrade i promise you will enjoy it much better than android


Thank you for the advice I just went through to check that setting and it is unchecked. Do you have any other ideas? You already gave me more to go on than Verizon other than multiple factory and soft resets.
