Droid has mind of it own...

I have had my droid for a year  and just did updgrade about a week and 1/2 ago- Last night when trying to make call phone stated services not available system down..thought it was weather.  this morning I tried to use my phone and I cannot get it to anything if I try menu, or to go back it goes to variety of screens like someone is playing with it remotely.  it switches from menu to kill screen to callling people...I can get incoming calls but that is it. 

4 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader
Exactly which phone do you have again? Droid1, Droid X or something different?

What is an updgrade? Did you update the phone system or upgrade to a different phone?


I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Specialist - Level 3

Truthfully, your whole message is confusing.

Specialist - Level 1

barbcaudle wrote:

I have had my droid for a year  and just did updgrade about a week and 1/2 ago- Last night when trying to make call phone stated services not available system down..thought it was weather.  this morning I tried to use my phone and I cannot get it to anything if I try menu, or to go back it goes to variety of screens like someone is playing with it remotely.  it switches from menu to kill screen to callling people...I can get incoming calls but that is it. 

It sounds like you have moisture on the screen. That is why all sorts of things are happening. The moisture might be fron sweaty fingers, hand lotion etc.


I have this problem once in a while. I carry my phone in my shirt pocket with the screen towards my body. If I am sweaty, the sweat will wick onto the screen from my shirt. WHen I pull the phone out of my pocket, and bring the screen to life, all sorts of wierd things happen. All I have to do is to turn the screen off, wipe off the moisture, then turn it back on again. Problem solved.

Specialist - Level 1

barbcaudle wrote:

I have had my droid for a year  and just did updgrade about a week and 1/2 ago- Last night when trying to make call phone stated services not available system down..thought it was weather.  this morning I tried to use my phone and I cannot get it to anything if I try menu, or to go back it goes to variety of screens like someone is playing with it remotely.  it switches from menu to kill screen to callling people...I can get incoming calls but that is it. 

In addition to the questions other posters have regarding your post, I was wondering..... just what is a "Kill screen?"
