
I just got the Droid 2 days ago & I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it.  The keyboard is so small that I can't text on it & the virtual keyboard just doesn't work that great for me since I have long nails.   Does anyone know how to delete text messages?  I can't seem to figure it out.


Should I take the droid back & just get a regular Env3 since I love my Env2?  I just don't know if I can justify the extra $30/month for the Droid.




3 Replies
Contributor - Level 2

momx3drr wrote:

I just got the Droid 2 days ago & I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it.  The keyboard is so small that I can't text on it & the virtual keyboard just doesn't work that great for me since I have long nails.   Does anyone know how to delete text messages?  I can't seem to figure it out.


Should I take the droid back & just get a regular Env3 since I love my Env2?  I just don't know if I can justify the extra $30/month for the Droid.





On the Moto Droid, you can delete text messages by a simple long press on the message you want to delete and then select "Delete message." As far as the keyboard goes, I would give it a few more days. I found that it was difficult to use at first, but I quickly got used to it. Also, I hardly ever use the slider, the virtual keyboard is easier.


I find that the $30 is well worth it, but it all depends on your particular needs/wants.


Good Luck!

Master - Level 1


momx3drr wrote:

I just got the Droid 2 days ago & I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it.  The keyboard is so small that I can't text on it & the virtual keyboard just doesn't work that great for me since I have long nails.   Does anyone know how to delete text messages?  I can't seem to figure it out.


Should I take the droid back & just get a regular Env3 since I love my Env2?  I just don't know if I can justify the extra $30/month for the Droid.






I currently have the Env2 and the first Android phone (HTC G1). I got my Env2 when it first came out.  When comparing the two phones my G1 out beats my Env2 by far. Even with comparing the Env3. Same results, Android beats it. Reason?  Sure Env2 and Env3 are small, cute and good phones. There is not as many features on the device as the Android phones have.  Android phones have wifi on them and also access to the android market. In that market you can download tons of apps. Most are for free I'd say. Others require you to pay money download them.  I know the Env2 and Env3 can download apps but none are free from Verizon directly. Plus most of the apps on there require a subscription fee. In the apps with Android, you just pay a one time fee. None are subscription. 


Aside from the market thing, everything is just at your finger tips. Surfing the web is easier and faster to do. Plus I've noticed the more advanced phones, like Android can access more web sites vs. Env2 and Env3. Like my Env2 cannot post messages on forums. It's not compatible. Android phone can do it. 


My advice get one of the Android phones. $30 sounds expensive,but you get what you pay for. It is WORTH it!! You'll love whatever android phone you get. I guarantee it.

Contributor - Level 3

momx3drr wrote:

I just got the Droid 2 days ago & I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it.  The keyboard is so small that I can't text on it & the virtual keyboard just doesn't work that great for me since I have long nails.   Does anyone know how to delete text messages?  I can't seem to figure it out.


Should I take the droid back & just get a regular Env3 since I love my Env2?  I just don't know if I can justify the extra $30/month for the Droid.





my last phone was the enV3.  i switched phones because the Droid offered so much more than just texting and watching the occassional video.  VZ navigator was great, downloading the ringtones is easier through the enV3 than the Droid, the speakers were fine, and texting was fantastic because that is what the enV3 phone is, a texting phone. even the keyboard was set back a little for people who needed the finger room.


however, i had the same complaints about the keyboard as you but now i find myself typing just as fast on this keyboard as the enV3. 


texting is great because of the numerous threads i can have and keep going without having to erase them all in a couple days.  the sd card max for the enV3 was what, 4GB?  with the droid its 32GB (which one will be released shortly) and i dont know about you but i have surpassed the 4GB limitation of the enV3 with just my music alone.


the numerous amounts of applications for the droid is great.  i track my mileage, clock in and out, google maps is far superior than VZ navigator because of street view and the latitudes, i have an app that analyzes the energy around me that could possibly be ghosts, i play game boy advance games, i read books from fictionwise, i can convert my music to ringtones for free (no more $3.00 ringtones!!!!!), cant remember where i parked my car, theres an app for that


a great notepad to keep notes on my clients, view my pdf files or create excel and word documents from my phone, i can sync my personal email account.


Most important : i can connect to my pc with ease unlike the enV3


two downfalls that i have learned to live with : no bluetooth voice dialing and the sd card is behind the battery door unlike the enV3
