Loud beeps, squeals, morse code, hacking?

In the middle of a conversation - loud beaps and squeals break out and stop the connection. Loud horn honks like a semi truck along with what absolutely sounds like morse code. Prob persisted into the next day. On the other end my GF could only here static. Could not call or receive. . ... As usual for me, I'm seeing nobody else mentioning this experience here. What happened? Did my line get hacked? Had to remove battery to reset phone and that cleared it up.


These were the kinds of sounds you would hear on a shortwave radio when you tune around.

35 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Yeah you definitely do NOT want to take the new phone back.  You will get a refurb phone like you said.  It's definitely a software issue and if you can wait it out for the official Gingerbread 2.3.4, it should take care of this problem.  I would say by the leak builds out, I have only tried the latest, and it's about done.  I would say it would be out within this month.  So like I said, if you can wait it out, you should be getting an update this month.  Otherwise, going back to the store to get a refurb used phone will still not fix the problem which is software, not hardware.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I will be receiving my 5th replacement Charge today....what a piece of **** phone this is!!


I was offered a rediculous downgrade to a revolution or thunderbolt with no refund in the difference in price.  Neither of which are on par with the Charge.


I will just have them send me a refurb Charge overnighted everytime it the mic cuts out or gives my calls the "fax" tones, which occurs at random every 1-2 days.


Eventually Verizon will realize they are spending $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to ship phones out and replace this with a Bionic (the only logical replacement)


Hey Verizon how about you make your customers happy especially me for my 7 1/2 yrs of service

Enthusiast - Level 3

Had two Charges.  The squealing, chirping, clipping and cutting out of my microphone happened on both.  Usually short calls where fine, but any call longer than 15 minutes would bring on the problems.  Finally let them exchange it for a Revolution.  Yes, it is clunky and doesn't have the nice screen and camera, but I can make phone calls without any problems, quality like a landlines.  Won't buy a Samsung again.  And I like Verizon a lot but do find it interesting that every tech I spoke with had never heard of a Samsung audio problem before. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

lol **bleep**, you should have just waited.  The latest leak EP1W of the 2.3.4 has this problem fixed, and the final one they are going to get over the air should be by the end of the month.  I had my phone at one time up over 10 days and didn't have any audio problems or squealing like before, so it's definitely fixed for me.  I keep telling everyone to not take their phone back, just live with it temporarily.  All they are doing is giving you a refurb phone for an exchange of you buying it brand new.  How fair is that?  Giving you a refurb phone doesn't fix software issues anyways.


I have this problem too.  My Charge is new in June and started acting funny almost immediately.  The screeching noise is horrible and I have to completely reboot it to get it to go away.  I can't do anything with it, even shutting it off takes effort.  I went to the store and they reset it to factory settings and that seemed to help.  The next day though it started turning off on its own and being unresponsive until I rebooted it.  At least it wasn't screeching at me, but the people I was talking too told me it gave them the fax sounding noise.  I called and got a refurb sent to me.  I set it up last night and yep, screeching noise again.  I called Verizon tech support who told me this was not a known issue...really???  I told them there was a thread about it on their website.


I've been told this has now been "elevated" whatever that means.  Probably the same thing they did when I got the hundred text messages a day from some strange number...which they supposedly fixed but I still get!!!


I'm so frustrated!  I use this phone for work and this can't keep happening.  Luckily I haven't sent my new phone back and now after reading this I'm going to put my cards back in that one and send them their refurb back!  I'm seriously thinking about downgrading to another phone! 

Enthusiast - Level 2

OK so it is NOT the rain.  It happens only if I use the speaker function on my phone.  If I put a call on speaker - 100% chance the static and screeching begins and lasts until end of the call.  I need to end and redial and keep it off speaker.  So essentially - I can never use the speaker function as this is guaranteed to screech. 


Not sure what the fix is...


i have the charge and everything runs great but my MF data signal will not get picked up .. i 3G on it scince i first got the first model.. then outta nowhere lost it . i can still get wifi an all that ..got a replacement and now i cant get it up on this one eaither help someone!!!!!!


I've wondered what the heck this noise was from the very first time I heard it.  Not glad to hear that we're all experiencing it, but glad to hear that I'm not alone in the problem.  It is quite annoying and It definitely kills the eardrum to get pierced with this shrill sound suddenly during a call.  Hoping that the issue gets fixed for sure. 


I had the same problem Verizon was clueless. I went into call settings and turned off voice privacy and noise reduction it quit making noise.

Contributor - Level 1

Just wanted to report back that the hardward swap actually worked and I'm back to having excellent call quality.  Frankly I'm surprised but no less grateful.  

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes 100% yes definitely send the refurb back to them and keep the new one.  It will get fixed if you aren't willing to go the route of the latest leak.  Refurb= used and verizon are rip offs for doing this to save money.  Like someone on here said once, when you buy a new alternator at the dealership and it goes out within a month or so, they don't pull it out and replace it with a refurbished one.  This is just shoddy business verizon does.

Contributor - Level 1

Three of our four phones have just exhibited this problem.  Called tech support and they refreshed the voice service individually for each phone and at least for the moment, it's helping.  They also suggested removing the phone from the case, though for two months this hasn't been an issue and imo doubtful that it's part of the problem.  However I have removed my case and at least for the first 24hrs, things are back to being good.  

Contributor - Level 1

Sadly the problem still exists.  (what a surprise)  Called tech support again today and they wrote a trouble ticket.  Nothing to do but wait and see.  They are suppose to get back in touch within 2-3 days.  Will update at that time.

Contributor - Level 1

I called VZW to follow up on the trouble ticket and to my surprise, they found nothing wrong with the network in my area.  That's all fine and good, but that doesn't solve this issue for any of us.  While speaking with senior tech support  I tried to point out that three phones in two different locations (FL & MA) were having the same issue.  I also tried to direct them to this thread but they seemed less then interested.  


So on tech support's recommendation we're going to swap out one of the handsets and see if it's the problem.  I then asked him to "what if" this scenario of me and assuming there is no improvement in the service, what the next step would be in finding a solution?  He indicated that exchanging hardware altogether (as in a different phone) would be a consideration.  Frankly I like the Charge and just want the excellent call quality back that I had for the first 60 days.  But I'm a long way from getting a different phone; if at all, and I don't really need nor want to swap out hardware to have the same issue.


If any of our VZW technical support forum friends have any suggestions, I would really love to hear from you guys.  To me this is the most frustrating issue one could have - poor call quality or worse, unusable phone service.  Unlike many, I still use & depend upon my hand held computer as a telephone.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Well after my 7th replacement Droid Charge...3 hour "tech support" visit to a Verizon Wireless store, a Store Manager and a District Manager...my Samsung Droid Charge is no more!!!!!!!!!!!


District Manager apologized to me every which way to Sunday and even asked me why the Store Manager replaced my Charge with another Charge...to which I replied to him "I asked the Store Manager that very same question"


My Charge was replaced with a Bionic




Thank you Brian (DM) for doing what should have been done after my 3rd or 4th phone and making a longtime customer happy...Thank you Motorola for making such a stable and reliable piece of equipment!!!!


**** *** Samsung for making a crap product!!! and **** *** Verizon Wireless for doing nothing to help and denying the issues of the Charge :smileyhappy:


Customer Care is USELESS!!!!!


Take your phone to a store and show a REAL PERSON the problems you're having...it's impossible for them to deny the problem when they're staring at the phone in person and you looking them in the eyes!!!!!!!
