My Charge phone stopped receiving incoming calls. Here's how I fixed it.
Specialist - Level 1

Anyone having call problems might read the following.


My Charge phone just started sending my incoming calls directly to the answering service without ringing the phone or showing an icon that I received a call or had a message waiting.


I finally fixed it by going to Menu>Settings>Call Settings and UNchecking both Voice privacy and Noise reduction.  The phone works correctly after doing this.


I asked myself why after all this time this might occur.  Voice Privacy uses encryption and possibly the encryption key was changed or somehow became garbled.  Noise Reduction requires sophisticated algorithms and possibly there was a problem with the software.


I did recheck them and the phone continued to work properly.


The bottom line is, any of you that may have call problems check to see if you checked these two items and test to see if your problems go away if you UNcheck them.  It's an easy test so give it a try.  Noting ventured, nothing gained!



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