Panorama Photos
Specialist - Level 1


I have been experimenting taking panorama photos because the Charge i510 manual does not give much/any helpful info.  Here are two items that may help you because this camera is able to take and immediately stitch together up to 8 photos into one panorama photo.  When you get a good one it's great but it may take a couple of tries!   BTW, usually 2, 3 or maybe 4 photos work best for  panoramas.

First item, as you start moving the camera you will notice a green colored square in the display screen.  If you do not keep that green colored square inside the borders of the display screen the camera quits taking the consecutive photos.  All you can do is start over.

Second item, This is very important.  Hold the camera in portrait mode NOT landscape.  This makes the final photo taller (vertically) which is important because panorama photos become very long left to right (width) and not very tall vertically.  Even more important, you will be able to grip and hold the camera more steadily (less picture blur) and it is much easier to keep the green colored square inside the borders of the display screen.  Remember, if the green colored square gets to far out the camera display the camera quits taking photos.

BTW, if you want to quit before 8 pictures are taken just press the Camera Key (this is the same button you pressed to start the panorama photo process).


PS,  If you find that you can hold the camera steady enough when it's in the horizontal (landscape) position and still keep the green green colored square inside the display screen by all means try it that way.  I did find that with 2-picture panoramas this seems to work okay.

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