Ruler of all machines?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I really like the phone when it works properly.  However, I am really tired of pulling the battery to make things all work properly for a while.  The data is disabled so much I think there should be a telethon for it.  I know there are a few of you out there that think the problem is only with three, maybe four, of us that actually have problems and we keep changing our screen name for more attention.  Yeah, I know the problem is Motorola's software because Verizon wouldn't sell us something just to get rid of them.  Maybe some celebrities could form a singing group in time for Christmas that would bring awareness to our plight. 


Sorry to rant, but I am frustrated.  Now I need to go pull the battery out of my car and re-install it so I can go. 

1 Reply

My phone started out fine and now seems to be degrading as time goes on, experiencing the same problems as some of you "complainers."  I can understand the need for patches and don't mind airplane cycling occasionally but the locking up, useless camera and now the almost non-existent data signal (and I'm near Boston!) is getting a bit much.  I suggested to Verizon today that they throw us some free Apps or something at the very least, similar to what Sony did for PS3 users. 
