Unable to connect to 3G Network...



I've been fiddling with various fixes from the web for the past few days now. I've tried to delete my voice search cache, tried *228 with options 1 and 2, vast amounts of fiddling and location changing to be sure it wasn't related to my building. I live in Austin Texas and the only way I am able to connect my DROID to the web is via WiFi at home, which is obviously meaningless to me (I bought it for when I didn't have a WiFi network, otherwise I'd just use my laptop).


Does anyone have any advice on what else could be preventing my DROID from getting access to the internet? Or should I return to the store I purchased this from and report a defect/vendor failure? I'll be ever so **bleep** if I've wasted sixteen hours of my life trying to solve this problem only to discover the vendor never set up the phone to work correctly. Thanks in advance.



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